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#1 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Brit Murdered in China

your posts have "always" something either disrespectful or

With rare exception, I have no respect for the FT train wrecks that contribute to this forum and am pleased to derail them.

#2 Parent Caring - 2016-04-18
Re Brit Murdered in China

"As written" your posts have "always" something either disrespectful or derailing to offer. Perhaps, you're the absent doctor now. :LOL

My meaning is precisely as written. Always.
#3 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Brit Murdered in China

You really are unbelievable!

A few hours ago you are accusing me of 'stereotyping' because I referred to certain students
as being 'lazy'.

It seems you genuinely have no idea at all what the word means, or how to use it correctly.

Go and buy a dictionary!

Since I did not use the word 'stereotype', I can only guess that your meaning is that since you believe I don't understand the meaning of the word stereotyping, I am unable to think in stereotypes myself.
Is an individual who does not understand the meaning of the word 'misogyny' able to be misogynist?
Can an individual who does not understand the meaning of the phrase 'logical inconsistency' consistently write like an idiot?

#4 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Brit Murdered in China

So, are you saying that he deserved what he got? Oh, I hope I put the comma in the right
place for you :LOL

My meaning is precisely as written. Always.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-17
Re Brit Murdered in China

British FT.
Surprise Surprise.

You really are unbelievable!

A few hours ago you are accusing me of 'stereotyping' because I referred to certain students as being 'lazy'.

It seems you genuinely have no idea at all what the word means, or how to use it correctly.

Go and buy a dictionary!

#6 Parent Caring - 2016-04-17
Re Brit Murdered in China

So, are you saying that he deserved what he got? Oh, I hope I put the comma in the right place for you :LOL

The girlfriend was 22 when they began their relationship; he was 44. Most likely she was a
student of his.
Sixteen year later, having fathered a six-year-old child, he is still cavorting with Shenzhen
KTV working girls and has not married the mother of his child.
British FT.
Surprise Surprise.
#7 Parent CarCarGo - 2016-04-17
Re Brit Murdered in China

Truth is - that's not typical. A 16 year long relationship is a very very long time these days and the child came a decade into the relationship. So, there was a solid something there. (was).

and you know, he didn't get two young KTV ladies to murder her. She got two younger men to do her bidding. Did she find them in a KTV somewhere we don't know. But he didn't find them in a KTV.

#8 Parent amused - 2016-04-17
Re Brit Murdered in China

The girlfriend was 22 when they began their relationship; he was 44. Most likely she was a student of his.
Sixteen year later, having fathered a six-year-old child, he is still cavorting with Shenzhen KTV working girls and has not married the mother of his child.
British FT.
Surprise Surprise.

paul fox - 2016-04-16
Brit Murdered in China

Seems 3 people have been arrested for his murder

Oh surprise, surprise, the gf was one of them. Her (38), plus 2 others aged 28 and 23 were arrested a week ago. No further details as yet

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