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#1 Parent amused - 2016-04-19
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

Your original comment was: "By revealing yourself as a woman, you may have inadvertently revealed much, much more than just your gender."
We are waiting for you to explain what being a woman reveals to you.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-19
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

I am well aware of what my original comment was, so what do you hope to elicit from me by simply re-posting it?

#3 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

Your original comment was:
"By revealing yourself as a woman, you may have inadvertently revealed much, much more than just your gender."

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-18
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

Silence is ignorance's shameful cloak.

Very poetic!
Your words are as true as the words I used to elicit your reply. However, it has nothing to do with me being 'shameful', only the fact that any attempt to elaborate further will result in deletion by the moderators, as already proved.

#5 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

What, and risk being accused of stereotyping?

I thought as much. Silence is ignorance's shameful cloak.

#6 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-04-18
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

And exactly what does a woman 'reveal' when she 'reveals' herself as a woman?
Please share your wisdom

What, and risk being accused of stereotyping?

#7 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

By revealing yourself as a woman, you may have inadvertently revealed much, much more than
just your gender

And exactly what does a woman 'reveal' when she 'reveals' herself as a woman?
Please share your wisdom.

#8 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-17
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

Misogynistic men, in my experience, are seldom western men in a happy, loving marital relationship.

It appears now that it is YOU who is 'stereotyping', along with the usual assumptions that you seem to excel at.

By revealing yourself as a woman, you may have inadvertently revealed much, much more than just your gender - and I am not being misogynistic nor sexist when I say that, (before you accuse or assume)

#9 Parent amused - 2016-04-17
Re Spanky and Alfalfa

If you know him personally, I can understand your certainty that he is not sexist.
I do not see, however, why being married to a woman, of any race, means that a man cannot be sexist or misogynist.

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