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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-19
Re Brit Murdered in China

I wasn't referring to your irony, nor was I was referring to the phrase 'doubly faithful'; I was referring to your phrase 'no doubt'.

Maybe you should do YOURSELF a favour, (note the CORRECT spelling), and tone down your condescending remarks.


#2 Parent amused - 2016-04-19
Re Brit Murdered in China

No doubt he was 'doubly faithful' to his two "partners for a long time", the mother
of his child and the woman that killed him.

No doubt? Where DO you get your 'information' from?

It's just another one of your 'assumptions'.

Only a FT in China would fail to recognize the irony in the phrase 'doubly faithful'.
Do yourself a favor and limit your communication to non-native speakers of English.
It's embarrassing communicating with you.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-18
Re Brit Murdered in China

No doubt he was 'doubly faithful' to his two "partners for a long time", the mother
of his child and the woman that killed him.

No doubt? Where DO you get your 'information' from?

It's just another one of your 'assumptions'.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-04-18
Re Brit Murdered in China

No doubt he was 'doubly faithful' to his two "partners for a long time", the mother of his child and the woman that killed him.

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