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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-20
Re Dangerous Love

The question I asked (and you quoted) was not written in sarcasm as you obviously ASSUMED.

I was actually referring to the 'secrets' that the Dr referred to in her posting, on what was otherwise an honest and sensible thread topic.

There was no 'demonizing' at all, not even a hint of it! I simply quoted a journalist, word-for-word.

Perhaps you should accuse him of 'demonizing' instead of me.

Why can't anyone post anything on here without you deriding them at every opportunity?

#2 Parent amused - 2016-04-20
Re Dangerous Love

I wonder if students in your Chinese dept back in 1968 studied stuff like this?

In 1959 the PRC was ten years old.

In 1968 on TV I watched police dogs attack black girls in the streets of Mississippi and saw the burnt corpses of Vietnamese children.

All nations have legacies of horrific acts. Perhaps you'd like to share some of your homeland's lurid imperialism?

Using historic events to demonize foreign nations is adolescent civics. Yes, the world sucks and people do bad things.

Change the world by changing yourself: grow up.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-20
Re Dangerous Love

"In 1959, I took a long-distance bus from Xinyang to Luoshan and Gushi. Out of the window, I saw one corpse after another in the ditches. On the bus, no one dared to mention the dead. In one county, Guangshan, one-third of the people had died. Although there were dead people everywhere, the local leaders enjoyed good meals and fine liquor. ... I had seen people who had told the truth being destroyed. Did I dare to write it?"

Lao BaoGuo, XinHua journalist

I wonder if students in your Chinese dept back in 1968 studied stuff like this?

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