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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-23
Re Greedy Chinese girls

If you wish to woo me, be concise, be
masculine, be the fox in the hen-house.

Haha, you should be so lucky !!!!

I'm not 'obsessed' with you at all. Since every comment you make here is somewhat derogatory, I figured I would just check how many discussion topics you have initiated - as I expected, none !

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-23
Re Greedy Chinese girls

Your predictability far outweighs your ability to offer noetic criticism.

In fact you appear to have much more of the prosaic 'hurt-woman' attitude when it comes to men in general

Not intended as a criticism per se, only an observation, (dearest) lol

#3 Parent amused - 2016-04-23
Re Greedy Chinese girls

A total of 72 postings during the last 4 months

Are you becoming obsessed with me, Paul?

all of which berate, rebuke, admonish,
deprecate and down-right insult

Your thesaurus diarrhea is very poor writing. If you wish to woo me, be concise, be masculine, be the fox in the hen-house.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-23
Re Greedy Chinese girls

My comment (that you quoted) was aimed fairly and squarely at the 'Amused' poster, (the one I prefer to refer to as 'Assumed')
A total of 72 postings during the last 4 months, all of which berate, rebuke, admonish, deprecate and down-right insult FT's, and not once has she initiated a topic for discussion.

Enjoy your pink-rooms boy! lol

#5 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-04-22
Re Greedy Chinese girls

I actually spend so much time and money in the 'pink rooms' which Dr Turnoi is so against, that I am at present turning my mind to cost-cutting. I am asking myself would it be cheaper and more convenient to marry a whore (although many of us do without realising it) and pay her a weekly wage for her services. I must get my calculator out. My whore of choice goes by the name of Vera, on account of a little English song she sings to Westerners, as we get what we are paying for '' The bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover, my darling just you wait and see" Food for thought? She could cook and do the washing in her spare time.

The rancid odour of people coming on this site simply to admonish impenitent FT's, rather than initiate their own thread topic.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-21
Re Greedy Chinese girls

The rancid odour of people coming on this site simply to admonish impenitent FT's, rather than initiate their own thread topic.

#7 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-04-20
Re Greedy Chinese girls

It's hardly being sexist to expect women to stand on their own two feet and support themselves. It sounds like you want to treat women like spoilt children. In regards to being racist, where did you get that one from?

The rancid odor of racism and sexism seldom taints well-educated people.
Your "fellow westerners" institutionalize and incarcerate individuals who profess values like yours

#8 Parent amused - 2016-04-20
Re Greedy Chinese girls

The only poster who seems to have not run out on his fellow westerners

The rancid odor of racism and sexism seldom taints well-educated people.
Your "fellow westerners" institutionalize and incarcerate individuals who profess values like yours.

#9 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-04-20
Re Greedy Chinese girls

I don't know what you have a PhD in but it's not English. The words are fallacious and erroneous. The only poster who seems to have not run out on his fellow westerners is the Silverboy Fan Poster. He seems to want to help and has the right attitude.

Yes, indeed. The PhD deecher is fallicious and erreneous on his own merits in assuming that Chinese women lack that self-respect. He should be forgiven as his PhD most likely comes from Khao San Rd or was issued by a crappy training centre.....LOL

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