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#1 Parent CarCarGo - 2016-04-24
Re FT quiz

If you want to live in a world where every English teacher is on-par with Harvard, Ox-Bridge and Eton, then go and work there.

He wouldn't just be unqualified to work there - he would be reported as a fraud to school authorities, blacklisted and quite possibly reported to police. I mean seriously, actually reported to local police as a possible danger to health and safety.

He could not be hired by any Western Universities or colleges. He could teach 'TCM' at a learning annex!

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-24
Re FT quiz

There is no such thing as a "successful teacher married to a Chinese woman".

I guess that depends on your own personal definition of 'successful'.

If you want to talk about 'serious teaching in serious countries' then why not start a discussion instead of expecting someone else to do it for you?

#3 Parent Max Walsh - 2016-04-24
Re FT quiz

There is no such thing as a "successful teacher married to a Chinese woman". Teaching English in China is not "success", nor is marriage to a Chinese woman. The idiotic statements on this board are truly astounding. BTW, can we hear about some serious teaching in serious countries? Sick and tired of hearing about rubbish China and Chinese people on here.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-23
Re FT quiz

It doesn't prove me wrong with respect to the other
species of FTs that I was referring to.

What 'species' would that be Doc? Those that visit 'pink rooms' perhaps?
Why do 'pink rooms' exist in the first place? If nobody used them they would close and maybe make people such as yourself and 'assumed' much happier.

Every FT working in China has their own reason for being here. Whether they are a successful teacher married to a Chinese woman, or a 'deecher' who is only here to drink and sleep with as many women as he can in the shortest possible time, who are we to 'judge'?

The 'species' that you refer to, do you know them personally?

It's certainly true that 'mud sticks' and that the 'bad behaviour' of a minority of FT's reflects on us all, but do you REALLY think that they are going to change their ways simply because someone comes on a discussion forum and makes derogatory comments about them?

If you want to live in a world where every English teacher is on-par with Harvard, Ox-Bridge and Eton, then go and work there. Why not simply 'live-and-let-live' ? As long as these people are not hurting YOU or your friends, does it really matter whether or not they choose to use a 'pink room'?

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