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#1 Parent amused - 2016-04-25
Re Bye Bye FT's

More comprehension problems from you. Cognition problems really. This would be neither here
nor there.

If I was reading a novel written in this manner I would understand that the author is commenting on the cognitive deficit of the narrator.

#2 Parent CarCarGo - 2016-04-25
Re Bye Bye FT's

Poor reading comprehension is why you don't get taken as seriously as you'd like.

The [edited] doctor misunderstand "its" as being a spelling error (or punctuation error) caused by some lack of education.

In fact, I am correctly pointing out that its written that way by people who know better, know the proper way and are habitually using the increasingly popular way.

You have [edited] and decided he was being told it was the proper way. In fact, I told him (and you) its the popular and increasingly common way and what its NOT from. Its not because of his stupid assumption.

>Poorly written English existed prior to Twitter.

More comprehension problems from you. Cognition problems really. This would be neither here nor there. It happens that "It's" has become "Its" from what would seem to be Texting and Twitter. Mind you, it wouldn't matter because the point is that its a popular usage not some kind of lack of education.

And really just think what a [edited] he must be that when he's been seeing 'Its' he just decided that could only mean they never knew it had the apostrophe lol!

[edited] That Im writing this much but.. hey wait.. I just noticed that he probably didn't even get to the education levels where they teach apostrophes used in the word "I'm" lol [edited]!

>Educated people usually choose to write

No they definitely do not and especially not in bullshitting forums, tweets or online chat sessions. But you know who DOES do the faggy reddit crap of writing well in forum debates? Lesser educated people who, ignorantly, believe that's how you make your bad ideas, mistakes or half-witted suggestions become 'more true'.

#3 Parent amused - 2016-04-25
Re Bye Bye FT's

Excusing your illiteracy as 'common' English is precisely the reason that China is attempting to raise standards for FTs.
If you have the ability to write English correctly, you have yet to display that ability on this forum.
Poorly written English existed prior to Twitter. Educated people usually choose to write well.

#4 Parent CarCarGo - 2016-04-24
Re Bye Bye FT's

Some native speakers make consistenly mistakes in writing "its" instead of "it's" or vice versa.

Spelling errors and 'make consistently mistakes' was atrocious grammar however I need to let you in on something...

..they aren't making a mistake. Its not proper but its not a mistake. Its something we've seen with the rise of texting and twitter but you might notice in a quick reply to you in this setting I'm doing it too.

This is something only a native-English speaker would know. Whereas ethnic 'dirty Europeans' like yourself wouldnt know that this and would (as you have here) misunderstand it. Then pass this misunderstanding along to ESL students in turn.

So that's why you dancing almost-white monkey's can't do as well as we can when it comes to teaching real English. Your fake English just can't cut it.

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