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#1 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-05-17
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Anyone who has seen intellectuals or authors stammer nonsensically while being interviewed
recognizes that writing style is never a "direct manifestation" of speech, no
matter how casual the written communication.

And who's stammering nonsensically for an interview here? Could we kindly stop using the "never" word? Everything you see in my posts particularly are worded the exact same way as though I were speaking them out loud. The majority of posters are the same.

In consideration of mental health, I do hope that your ornate convoluted writing style is not
a "manifestation" of your native language speech.

Considering English isn't my native language, claiming this statement to be for the sake of "mental health," would be like saying, "Your English is a bit too "crisp" for my native liking. There must be something wrong with you... mentally..." - I'll take this moment to clear my throat.

The majority of my English was learned through a textbook. As a result, when speaking, I just so happen to sound like one, as that's the English I'm comfortable speaking. I have no idea what an "intellectual" is, but I won't be so dim as to assume that speech and writing have no connection following this stream of logic. That is to say, majority of posters will type out a response, yes, but I highly doubt they will go back, re-order clauses and re-punctuate as if they were writing for academia. I'm no different; my thoughts just happen to go through a couple more mediums than the average English speaker.

You can be sure my writing style is a reflection of my speaking style, irrespective of how "ornate" or "convoluted" you find it to be. Even with that observation, it's upsetting particularly in the international community how quickly that equates to a mental issue than anything.


Back to the irrelevance of white man in Asia...

#2 Parent amused - 2016-05-01
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Unless these posts are to be published and passed as reference-fancy academia, the sentence
structures posters use are direct manifestations of their speaking styles leaving
"preferred (by whom?) clause placement" to fall a distant third to spelling
and punctuation.

Anyone who has seen intellectuals or authors stammer nonsensically while being interviewed recognizes that writing style is never a "direct manifestation" of speech, no matter how casual the written communication.

In consideration of mental health, I do hope that your ornate convoluted writing style is not a "manifestation" of your native language speech.

#3 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-05-01
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

*Audience Check*
Unless these posts are to be published and passed as reference-fancy academia, the sentence structures posters use are direct manifestations of their speaking styles leaving "preferred (by whom?) clause placement" to fall a distant third to spelling and punctuation.

It is the opinion

Yeah, I stopped reading after this clause...

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-30
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Thank you 'Teacher'..........Remind me to rush out and buy a new style manual !

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-30
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Ms Assumed.......

Allow me to let you in on a little secret. I am one of those horrible antagonistic types..........you know, the type of person who, when asked to stop or refrain from doing something, does it even more.

Therefore, the longer you remain on your quest to correct 'poor English', the more chances you I will give you - lol

(Oh.... and I'm sure you can find a misplaced comma in that, haha)

#6 Parent amused - 2016-04-30
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

In just the same way as one might say...'And the winner is,......'
The only reason they do it,(pause, drum-roll), is to send their kids abroad.

When someone is unable to write correctly, watching them explaining their writing errors by writing about them is a generous, sustainable and renewable source of entertainment.

#7 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-29
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

The comma was deliberately inserted in that sentence for one reason only.

In just the same way as one might say...'And the winner is,......'

The only reason they do it,(pause, drum-roll), is to send their kids abroad.

#8 Parent amused - 2016-04-30
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

A comma, particularly when used to separate an interrupting dependent clause, is used in this
instance prior to an auxiliary form of the verb "to be" in conjunction with a
leading comma.

It is the opinion of most style manuals that a dependent clause situated prior to the subject is always preferable to separating the subject and verb-to-be with a comma-delimited phrase that ends immediately prior to the verb-to-be.

Grammatically permissible is not a prescription for good writing.

When used to separate an interrupting dependent clause, a comma is used prior to an auxiliary form of the verb "to be" in conjunction with a leading comma.

#9 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-04-29
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

A comma is never inserted prior to any form of the verb 'to be'.

Sure about that?

A comma, particularly when used to separate an interrupting dependent clause, is used in this instance prior to an auxiliary form of the verb "to be" in conjunction with a leading comma.

the only reason they want their kids to learn English, is so they can send their kids overseas(paul fox)

In this case, yes, a comma shouldn't be inserted here. However, no, the reason it shouldn't be inserted is because a comma doesn't separate a subject clause from its predicate nor do commas lead off dependent clauses that modify nouns.

I digress. I'm sure the majority of east Asia has long figured out the usefulness (uselessness?) of a white face apart from the superficial.

Back to your regularly scheduled programme - something about English? And white [men] being irrelevant in Asia?

#10 Parent nijao - 2016-04-29
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

//And why does China need English. In fact I know why but wondering if a Chinese person will ever admit the truth about this.//

Another point. The US uses English, the language was created in the UK. Brazil speak Portuguese, language created in Portugal. South America speaks Spanish, a language created in Spain. If you want to be relevant because your country created a language being used by others countries, it does not mean much anymore.

Another sample if you have a computer, Microsoft created the operating system windows, still the most popular in the world. Lots of software companies use Windows OP to run their apps, now some of this companies are bigger and more successful than Microsoft.

China made paper first as an invention, countries all over the world use paper for money currency and a bunch of things. This and other great inventions did not saved China for extreme poverty and Chinese workers being slave overseas working for almost nothing

Of course relevance or irrelevance can change if your country re-start a new golden era where citizens like you will not be traveling to teach English as a job,instead you will be traveling as a tourist spending lots of cash anywhere you go.
Probaby a better point for you is that the best movies and music stll in English. All the best.

#11 Parent nijao - 2016-04-29
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia


Probably he wanna to say that all Chinese womend are &%$%@#% and all Chinese men are &%$#@%&and everything in China is &%$#@%&. And repeat the same story that he was visiting China with lots of money and the Chinese government took it all with his passport and forced him to teach English to spoiled students for a miserable low salary and won't allow him to leave the country.

#12 Parent nijao - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

//And why does China need English. In fact I know why but wondering if a Chinese person will ever admit the truth about this.//

Second reply to your msg. What is prosperity and what is not prosperity.
Prosperty, when citizen of a country are eager to travel overseas by bunchs to SPEND lots of cash as tourist..new residents. Also sending their kids to study overseas which cost a mountain of money.

Not prosperity, in the past when Chinese were getting in boats desperate to go overseas a work and die doing bad jobs, like mining
in slaves conditions. Those Chinese did it becouse the famous Western dream. During that time westerns in general were big spenders in CH and Asia and locals will treat them like VIP. TODAY it seem that the only thing westeners in Asia keep reminding the locals how important they are is the English language. Why westerners never admit why they are really in Asia working under very low conditions and making a very low salary. Where is the western dream? NO OFFENSE and thanks for the English language.

#13 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Some of us do speak Chinese and will chat to parents in Chinese, especially if the parent in
question is a bored looking MILF of a housewife.

But yes you are right. Some don't just do it for show, they do for it for money laundering
and tax avoidance reasons too.

Word !

#14 Parent amused - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia


Vulgarity is the hallmark of Australian English.

#15 Parent nijao - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

//And why does China need English. In fact I know why but wondering if a Chinese person will ever admit the truth about this.//

Speaking native English may open the door, but it will NOT keep you there. Again, the universal language is money.. lots of it. Westerners are not longer big spenders in CH-Asia. Guess who the gambling capital of the world Macao targets: Chinese mainlanders. Westerners still good entertainers though. About Chinese never admitting things, you right, educated Chinese are too busy trying to get rich and have not time to admit anything.

#16 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

how can
you determine "the only reason" for any aspect of the behavior of such a large
group of individuals?

Answer = I see it with my own eyes every day of the working week !

#17 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Some of us do speak Chinese and will chat to parents in Chinese, especially if the parent in question is a bored looking MILF of a housewife.

But yes you are right. Some don't just do it for show, they do for it for money laundering and tax avoidance reasons too.

#18 Parent AussieBhoy2015 - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia


#19 Parent amused - 2016-04-28
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Rich Chinese parents will never openly admit that the only reason they want their kids to
learn English, is so they can send their kids overseas to study and then brag about it
to their not-so-rich friends.

Since the vast majority of rich Chinese parents never speak English to dancing FTs, how can you determine "the only reason" for any aspect of the behavior of such a large group of individuals?

In fact, how can anyone judge the behavior of individuals who "never openly admit" any information about a particular aspect of their behavior?

learn English, is so they

A comma is never inserted prior to any form of the verb 'to be'.
#20 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-27
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Rich Chinese parents will never openly admit that the only reason they want their kids to learn English, is so they can send their kids overseas to study and then brag about it to their not-so-rich friends.

#21 Parent Andy D - 2016-04-27
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

And why does China need English. In fact I know why but wondering if a Chinese person will ever admit the truth about this.

#22 Parent nijao - 2016-04-22
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Any white man with actual self-respect would never go to Asia to live and work.

Any white man who respect Asian cultures is welcome to Asia.

China duping the white man since foolish Nixon set foot on the land
and let himself be taken for a ride.

That was actually the best thing Nixon ever did.

But mayb you are prepared to hear it nijao.

Say what you want. No offense taken.

pls don't be so disappointed, CH still need your native English language and you guys still make good movies. All the best to you et al.

#23 Parent nijao - 2016-04-21
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

//Also, if it wasn't for us Westerners, who would the Chinese export their products to?//

Are you serious about this comment. When you say //us Westerners// you meant, the US and the UK, AU and maybe Canada. FYI, China export all over the world and is already the biggest investors and trade partner in many regions overseas. Also if what you say is truth, your Westerner group of 4 countries will call the shots in CH or make trade wars to slow CH growth. China is also the biggest investor in Asia and trade partner. Guess who is JP (western economy model) biggest trade partner by far, CH. Another Western economy model S.Korea main food kinchi is now made in China and export it back to them.
Do you ever wonder why you western country does not put quotes..special tax to CH imports, that will be so easy, but the question is who will lose the most? PS, I am now wondering who is the real troll like they call me here.

#24 Parent nijao - 2016-04-20
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

//The likes of Japan and South Korea being at least 30 years ahead of China can actually make such claims about no longer requiring Western technical assistance for the best part, but China themselves? //

Japan is not longer a western sample in Asia. JP population is rapidly decreasing probaby depressed with the high cost of living, their economic growth almost stop, the Nikkie is becoming a joke. JP tourist are not longer a big deal and they don't spend much any more. JP still depend of the west for defense, otherwise with a big military budget they will be in recession.

S. Korea, not a big economy , industrialized yed, but less than 50 million ppl and they also have the same problem for defense..depending of the west. Again, a moderated military budget which give them some money for industry research.

India, not an option, the are not in need of the west much and their culture is way too different and very misunderstood at time in the west. Sample, some Indian chef in the west as part of their culture..religion do not use tissue paper when they go to the washroom, instead they use their bare hands and a bottle of water. That is considered unacceptable in western socities. This is not a critique of Indians, just pointing out how far the cultures are. No chance India will replace CH. Of course CH toilets are nothing to be proud of, but it is not part of a ritual or belief and CH adapt fast.

Thanks for your reply, good points.

#25 Parent Mr Clean - 2016-04-19
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

You are an obvious troll but I have to reply and say that, in a sense, you are correct. Any white man with actual self-respect would never go to Asia to live and work. Most especially to China. China duping the white man since foolish Nixon set foot on the land and let himself be taken for a ride. Can't say this in many settings however. But mayb you are prepared to hear it nijao. God Bless you and your family.

#26 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-04-19
Re the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Hmmm... There's still lots of expats present in other industries. The likes of Japan and South Korea being at least 30 years ahead of China can actually make such claims about no longer requiring Western technical assistance for the best part, but China themselves?


Not to mention that many of us Western people (regardless of colour that you feature heavily as part of your racist tirade) still do a pretty good job of exporting our products to China; possibly because Chinese brands and manufacturers have failed to adequately respond with substitute products. That suggests that the 'white man' who occasionally also brings somebody from an ethnic minority with them (recruited not because of diversity, but meritocracy); is still needed when it comes to innovation, engineering, marketing, etc.

The outsourcing of those higher value service industries? Isn't it such a shame that the average Indian is better educated and can speak English far better than even the brightest of Chinese students that previously studied in the U.S? Not to mention, that they will do that job for a far lower price than the average Chinese worker. India proves superior not only in controlling certain territories on it's North-Eastern borders that China has STILL failed to take by force after all these years, they actually represent a better option in industries with a higher value than mass manufacturing.

Also, if it wasn't for us Westerners, who would the Chinese export their products to? Let's just say that your real money spinning products (usually Western designed) aren't usually being exported to the vast majority of African nations. Hence, our businessmen will still make regular trips to China, steal all your women and make great profits from selling our products to you!

nijao - 2016-04-19
the irrelevance of white man in Asia

Let's see. Beside teaching English what else are they needed for in Asia? It seems all they have to tell are stories when they were relevant. NO OFFENCE. But why Asia and China should follow the same route who ppl who are not longer that relevant or less and less. PS, Thanks for the English language.

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