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#1 Parent Martin hainan - 2016-04-29
Re Bye Bye FT's

As I recall, you identified your grammatical error as a typing error and as unimportant.
I recognized and apologized for my error.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-28
Re Bye Bye FT's

Did you just ADMIT to making an error?

Would that be the same kind of error as I made when I typed 'it's' instead of 'its'?

Are you finally admitting that you are an infallible human being just like the rest of us?

#3 Parent amused - 2016-04-28
Re Bye Bye FT's

The odds against inserting a random " ' " in "its" at the precise
position to create "it's" is statistically enormous.

I should have written "are" statistically enormous. My error.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-04-28
Re Bye Bye FT's

it's called a TYPING ERROR

Typing errors routinely omit letters or use erroneous letters. Sober people seldom type extraneous additional characters.

Even if an extra letter or symbol was a 'mistake', a computer keyboard has 101 or more keys.

The odds against inserting a random " ' " in "its" at the precise position to create "it's" is statistically enormous.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-04-27
Re Bye Bye FT's

you wrote language in it's basic

Yes Doc, it's called a TYPING ERROR !

Once again, I repeat, this is NOT a classroom - it's a discussion board - get over it !

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