Return to Index › Re NYT article: "China Close to Passing Strict Law on Foreign Groups"
#1 Parent martin hainan - 2016-05-01
Re NYT article: "China Close to Passing Strict Law on Foreign Groups"

The mission statements and efforts of most NGOs are laudable. Blaming China for closely examining NGO activity is misguided.

What is incredibly evil is a government's decision to use NGOs as a vehicle to infiltrate foreign governments, putting the good work and reputation of the NGO at risk for nefarious military purpose.

As I have written here before, I have personal knowledge (my brother-in-law) who was a CIA agent who worked for the Taipei U.S. embassy and the Seoul Chamber of Commerce. He was subsequently denied entry into the PRC as an NGO director.

I am also aware of an active senior employee (University schoolmate and China Society co-member) of a major Western newspaper in HK who has CIA affiliation.

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