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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-05
Re What Happens To Children Born After The Sex Tourists Leave

You don't have a heart, do you?

Actually I do. In fact I have a very 'big' heart. I fully understand the plight of women in less-developed countries and the fact that they only have one 'thing' that they can sell. I also understand why sex-tourists exist. If it wasn't for sex-tourism and the 'availability' of these women, then there could possibly be an increase in rape victims, which would be totally horrendous.

I have never been to the Philippines but I travelled to Thailand many times when on vacation with my (now) ex-wife. I have eyes in my head and it's not long before 'reality' appears.

Many of these women have no other way of making a living. They can earn more in a couple of hours than their friends can earn selling noodles or veggies on a market stall - so who can blame them?

However, if they know how to 'use it', they should know what might happen if they don't use contraception. I stand by my comment about not knowing who the father is because of the number of men they have slept with, because contraception is incredibly cheap. If they don't want to use a condom then take the 'pill'.

You really cannot blame the drunken 'sex-tourists' for taking what's available, (or 'on offer'), but I think you CAN blame the women for unwanted pregnancies - or are they REALLY 'unwanted'?

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