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#1 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-11
Re who's on first

What can be more hilariously characteristic of two FTs in China than observing them arrogantly discussing a language they can neither read nor write, all the while using their own sloppy error-infested native language?


I don't know about that. As for myself I haven't been involved in any discussion, merely pointed out a couple of things. A small input, a small interference in a thread between one poster with interesting points on double-negatives and Turnoi pointing out a few things. In all fairness neither of them has actually said that there can be a 'bu' after 'mei ge ren' unless I missed something.

#2 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-11
Re Faking relevance

Correct. Mei ge ren bu zhi dao is completely bad Chinese and has no meaning

You're right, not just bad Chinese but doesn't exist Chinese.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-11
Re Faking relevance

Correct. Mei ge ren bu zhi dao is completely bad Chinese and has no meaning

#4 Parent amused - 2016-05-11
who's on first

What can be more hilariously characteristic of two FTs in China than observing them arrogantly discussing a language they can neither read nor write, all the while using their own sloppy error-infested native language?


#5 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-11
Re Faking relevance

Also 'mei ge ren bu zhi dao' is NOT a double negative, and 'double negatives' was the subject we were discussing

Ask Turnoi. I am sure he'll support me that whatever it is it's not an anything. You need to dispose of that 'bu' and bring 'dou' back into play if you want to use 'mai ge ren'

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-10
Re Faking relevance

Yes, you can say 'mei ge ren' = every person, but that doesn't work in the example I gave.

'mei ge ren bu zhi dao' = 'every person doesn't know', which is not the same as 'mei you ren bu zhi dao' = 'nobody doesn't know'.

Also 'mei ge ren bu zhi dao' is NOT a double negative, and 'double negatives' was the subject we were discussing.

#7 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-10
Re Faking relevance

You may also use a structure with

每 (mei, "every") + 个 (ge, measure word) + 人 (ren, person)...

Right, you can.

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