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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-11
Re Faking relevance

Sadly, that there is some truth in that. If you do find a good woman these days; try your best to keep her/keep her on her toes.

As for hookers, they don't do UTZ/Fairtrade badges for them yet; but you have to use your own judgement on that. Before the moral brigade jumps in, just remember that in many a country that is far more civilised and developed than your own, it is completely legal; highly taxed and regulated even.

Germany is one of example of this; they've long preferred to rent rather than buy, haven't they?

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-10
Re Faking relevance

Being an FT whose life has been turned upside down by
these greedy she devils

The academics that you refer to would probably like to have you 'hung, drawn and quartered' for such a 'misogynistic' comment as that. lol

What women fail to understand is that it may take a lot of years for men to get to know what they are all like, but most of us do get there in the end!

'Sex tourists' are berated for paying for sex, but at least they 'pay-as-they-go'. For the rest of us, we end up paying a huge bill for sex when a 25-year marriage comes to an end and we walk away with nothing. The sad fact is that the 25 years of sex was probably pretty boring anyway.

At least the 'pay-as-you-go' guys get to choose with whom they have sex, and if she doesn't know her way around the bedroom then there's no second chance for her.

Those guys are also not expected to 'kiss-and-cuddle' afterwards!

'Renting' instead of 'buying' is a far better way to go, and costs about the same - I just wish I had taken my own advice long ago, lol

#3 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-10
Re Faking relevance

Thanks for the compliment, lol! I will continue to trash the "reputation" of Chinese women. Many of them know who I am now and are becoming very angry! That was the whole idea in the first place however! I just sit back and watch the anger, haha!

I can tell you are a man of integrity and you don't keep chopping and changing your points of view, unlike some academics on this site who shall remain nameless(making believe they never said what they once said.) Being an FT whose life has been turned upside down by these greedy she devils, it's good to know there's a man of your calibre not afraid to challenge them and their little western supporters. Keep up the good work, please.

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