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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-12
Re Faking relevance

Quite right but 'google it' has become an expression like 'hoover it' "Hoover up that
mess you Chinese Hussy because up with this I will not put!" She certainly won't
exclaim, before you box her ears again "I can't because we don't have any hoovers
in China, only vacuum cleaners!

Ha, and most Chinese women have no idea how to use a vacuum cleaner. When I first met my (now) wife, I told her that I wanted to buy a vacuum cleaner. 'Oh, I've got one', she said, 'I never use it, you can have it'. Later that day I went to collect it from her place and she presented me with what appeared to be a brand new vacuum cleaner, still in the original unopened box. The purchase receipt was taped to the box and showed a purchase date that was 5 years earlier. So there you have it, a perfect contradiction-in-terms when I say I ended up with a 'brand new', yet 5 year-old, vacuum. lol

'Up with this I will not put' - Love it! Classic Churchill telling Amused's great-grandmother how to end a sentence with a preposition. haha

As for 'Googling' and 'Hoovering', there are heaps of brand names that have found their way into the English language as a verb.

What about 'Velcro', 'Xerox', 'FaceBook' ? I wonder how many there are, lol

#2 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-12
Re Faking relevance

Now who is getting all advanced and mind-boggling?

How can you 'Google' in China when Google isn't available without a VPN and you need a VPN in order to download a VPN in the first place?

Quite right but 'google it' has become an expression like 'hoover it' "Hoover up that mess you Chinese Hussy because up with this I will not put!" She certainly won't exclaim, before you box her ears again "I can't because we don't have any hoovers in China, only vacuum cleaners!

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-12
Re Faking relevance

If they ask you what a
double negative is, tell them to stop causing trouble and google it.

Now who is getting all advanced and mind-boggling?

How can you 'Google' in China when Google isn't available without a VPN and you need a VPN in order to download a VPN in the first place?

#4 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-12
Re Faking relevance

A double
negative sentence pattern must have a negation that denies an event, state, or act
expressed by a sentence predicate and thus covers the negation scope of a sentence.

So the phrase 'I'm not bad', isn't a double negative

God's Love, this is all getting a bit advanced and mind-boggling for us average FT' I thought a double negative was when you'd dated two Chinese girls in a row and they'd both asked you for money for doing precious little that you wouldn't get down the pink rooms for half the price. Our job is only to chat to Chinese students. If they ask you what a double negative is, tell them to stop causing trouble and google it.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-11
Re Faking relevance

A double
negative sentence pattern must have a negation that denies an event, state, or act
expressed by a sentence predicate and thus covers the negation scope of a sentence.

So the phrase 'I'm not bad', isn't a double negative?

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