Return to Index › Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners
#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-20
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Talking of the lovely Beyonce, I gotta tell you this........

To be honest, it was one of those 'you-really-had-to-be-there' moments, but hopefully you may find it amusing.

There is a new 'deecher' in our midst. He is from 'Sith Iffrika' and we affectionately refer to him as 'Porky'. The reason should be quite clear to anyone who has worked with 'Sith Iffrikun' people, because their accent is horrendous. Instead of 'Park my car' they say, 'Pork my core'.

Anyway, he's been in China for all of 30 seconds and even though it's his first time, he has already mastered the language, (or so he likes to tell people)

In order to further his Chinese-language study, he asked a question. 'Why do all Chinese people say 'Beyonce'?'

When pressed for further clarification as to what the hell he was dribbling-on about, he came out with the following remark.

'Every time I say 'xie xie' to a Chinese person, they reply by saying 'Beyonce'

You couldn't make it up, lol...............

#2 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Girl is singer Taylor Swift.I read that she made 80 million USD in 2015.she is living the western dream

Why did another poster call her Beyoncé then? I prefer the girl with the red car, don't you?

#3 Parent nijao - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//The picture of that Western "girl" you posted looks like doll.//

Girl is singer Taylor Swift.I read that she made 80 million USD in 2015.she is living the western dream.

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