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#1 Parent nijao - 2016-05-20
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

no offense. best to you and your local woman.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-19
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

I'm taking nothing personal, 'man'.

I'm just bored and fed-up with the stereotypical rhetoric that is constantly posted on this 'discussion' board, (or should that be discussion 'bored'?)

If a westerner wants to come to China to teach/deech English, get drunk every night and sleep with as many women as possible in the shortest possible time, what business is it of anyone else?

If you want to complain, then go to a western country and behave in the same way.

Either that or live-and-let-live!

Too many people come here with the 'holier-than-thou' attitude, making out that they are Mr/Mrs 'Perfect'

We are all here for our own personal reasons, (note the word 'PERSONAL'), and if the same amount of effort was put into improving teaching/deeching standards in China as it is to slagging off FT's, then I am sure our industry would be much better.

#3 Parent nijao - 2016-05-19
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//When I first came to China, the LAST thing I wanted was a woman. //

you take all this too personal.man like woman,no excuses for that. best.

#4 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-05-17
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Or it could be "ni hao" with the "j" taking a Latin role making an English "h" sound.

Anyone? Anyone...

#5 Parent Paul Fox - 2016-05-16
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

I have met FTs that I can immediately
recognize as refugees from rehab, incarceration and/or off their meds.

Having finally encountered what can only be described as the 'perfect example' of your portrayal of a rehab refugee 'deecher', I find myself in 100% agreement.

These Dancing FTs would not be allowed to teach janitorial services in a Western prison. Yet
in China they are put in classrooms with children and young women. Some of these young
women students are foolish enough to invest China's cultural respect for teachers and
adults in these morons

The 'specimen' that I refer to is actually not fit to be called a 'dancing monkey' because the phrase 'dancing monkey' is, in this instance, an insult to 'dancing monkeys'.

This one thinks that 'Grammar' is the woman who happens to be married to 'Grandad' - lol

#6 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//I see what you mean. But that girl you showed us plastered with an inch of lipstick and other makeup could be mutton dressed as lamb to discerning connoisseurs like me, Silverboy and Turnoi. //

No my intention to make this personal and start a war.if you say that you see what a mean then why you support China haters.FT in China still OK finding much younger ladies and cheap booze.no offense but this is the REAL thing compared to being in the west watching free Internet adult sites and have no much money for expensive liquor. Best to you.

I don't think Turnoi hates China. I do think he has problems with what he considers as bad schools. I think that Silverboy has issues with the bad attitude of some Chinese women. He's an independent man; worked hard for his money and doesn't like free-loaders is the impression I get. I can see both of them squatting in a paddy field chewing a rubbery corn-on-the-cob and cracking jokes over baijiu with the peasants.

#7 Parent nijao - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//I see what you mean. But that girl you showed us plastered with an inch of lipstick and other makeup could be mutton dressed as lamb to discerning connoisseurs like me, Silverboy and Turnoi. //

No my intention to make this personal and start a war.if you say that you see what a mean then why you support China haters.FT in China still OK finding much younger ladies and cheap booze.no offense but this is the REAL thing compared to being in the west watching free Internet adult sites and have no much money for expensive liquor. Best to you.

#8 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

It's interesting that you want to view every westerner from such a stereotypical viewpoint.

When I first came to China, the LAST thing I wanted was a woman.

It just happened that I was fortunate enough to meet a very good one when I wasn't looking.

#9 Parent nijao - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//Yet in China they are put in classrooms with children and young women. Some of these young women students are foolish enough to invest China's cultural respect for teachers and adults in these morons. The results are often pathetic, if predictable.//

Good point.it takes two to dance.if she is of legal age and agree and both are discreet, OK ok.

//The University Foreign Affairs staff, however, cannot identify these characteristics until the new FT embarrasses himself and acts to upset his students. Or worse.//

I don't think most unis FAO care much until enough is enough.hiring a FT is a gamble and for a FT finding a good school-uni is also a gamble.

Ps,nothing wrong with western skint over the hill and younger FT man travelling 1000..s of miles to a foreign land to find young gf and wives.man need woman and if they can't get 0 where they are,traveling to asia..CH is a good idea,bur ranting about the host country daily no good.

You are a good writer and you use of the approx 150 prepositions in the English language is good.

#10 Parent amused - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

"why you and your bunch need to cross the world to China to find one"

I have been in China for over a decade and I speak Mandarin. I am still unable to quickly discern which Chinese individuals are intelligent and accomplished and which are losers and mentally/emotionally damaged.

Chinese have the same difficulty judging Western FTs. I have met FTs that I can immediately recognize as refugees from rehab, incarceration and/or off their meds. The University Foreign Affairs staff, however, cannot identify these characteristics until the new FT embarrasses himself and acts to upset his students. Or worse.

These Dancing FTs would not be allowed to teach janitorial services in a Western prison. Yet in China they are put in classrooms with children and young women. Some of these young women students are foolish enough to invest China's cultural respect for teachers and adults in these morons. The results are often pathetic, if predictable.

China's working girls are quickly able to recognize the quality of Western FTs, given their frequent contact with these 'educators'. The clever working girl will relieve these boys of their Silver and discard them ASAP.

#11 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

No mate. I say it like it is.sample,there are plenty if not millions of young pretty girls in the west.why you and your bunch need to cross the world to China to find one and work for next to nothing teaching English.

I see what you mean. But that girl you showed us plastered with an inch of lipstick and other makeup could be mutton dressed as lamb to discerning connoisseurs like me, Silverboy and Turnoi.

#12 Parent nijao - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//Ignore him! He's just a troll.//

No mate. I say it like it is.sample,there are plenty if not millions of young pretty girls in the west.why you and your bunch need to cross the world to China to find one and work for next to nothing teaching English.

#13 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-14
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Ignore him!

He's just a troll.

Can't even spell his Chinese name correctly. Nijao or Nijiao?

The more I think about it the more convinced I am that it was a mere typing error. Once you have written your name you don't even look at it again as it fills in automatically. Either that or he couldn't be bothered to correct it. I apologise to him as I was one of those participating in dissecting it. But my interest stemmed from curiosity in what the name meant. I don't think anybody else was interested in that, it was just a feeding frenzy to have his head.

#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-14
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Of course. But I just couldn't resist that one.

#15 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-13
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Ignore him!

He's just a troll.

Can't even spell his Chinese name correctly. Nijao or Nijiao?

#16 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-13
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Thank you for finally admitting that the country that you love to defend so much, is actually not all that great.

nijao - 2016-05-13
China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

Where else can they find good beer for cents and one or two woman impressed by their looks. Be grateful that there is China as a fallback option. Best and cheers.

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