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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-19
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

The West is embracing disaster. At least the Chinese government tries to protect its own


I am not the most 'politically correct' person you are ever likely to meet. In fact, I abhor what the 'PC Brigade' have done in western countries.

That said, I would never tolerate 'racism'.

We are all human beings. We have no control over which country we are born in, our gender, nor the colour of our skin. If you want to behave like an 'asshole', then I will tell you so, regardless of your ethnicity.

That is a far-cry from being told that you cannot smoke within 5 metres of an airport exit - which is somewhat akin to having a 'piss-corner' in a swimming pool - but nevertheless we must abide by the PC Brigade and their pathetic attempt to invade our lives.

To a certain extent, Chinese people need to understand the difference between what is 'acceptable' and what isn't, yet the lack of 'PC' in China is something that warms my heart on a daily basis.

#2 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-19
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

And that is why the West has so much soft power while China has none. Westerners embrace people regardless of their race. Americans elected a Black president, twice! Western movies feature Black and Asian actors all the time. Westerners understand that under our skin we are all humans.

China is for Chinese only, Chinese culture is said to be too 'profound' (whatever that means) for Black or White people to understand it. You reject outsiders and yet you expect them to embrace your culture, worship you and give you the soft power you are craving for.

The whole mindset behind Chinese attempts at soft power is wrong, Foreigners are not interested to hear about myths of Chinese superiority and bad outsiders, Foreigners want to see positive changes and a China that isn't pompous to say the least, make movies about friendship and partnership on equal terms between Chinese and Black or White people, then maybe Foreigners will go to see it.

The West is embracing disaster. At least the Chinese government tries to protect its own people.

#3 Parent Big Floppy Laowai - 2016-05-19
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

And that is why the West has so much soft power while China has none. Westerners embrace people regardless of their race. Americans elected a Black president, twice! Western movies feature Black and Asian actors all the time. Westerners understand that under our skin we are all humans.

China is for Chinese only, Chinese culture is said to be too 'profound' (whatever that means) for Black or White people to understand it. You reject outsiders and yet you expect them to embrace your culture, worship you and give you the soft power you are craving for.

The whole mindset behind Chinese attempts at soft power is wrong, Foreigners are not interested to hear about myths of Chinese superiority and bad outsiders, Foreigners want to see positive changes and a China that isn't pompous to say the least, make movies about friendship and partnership on equal terms between Chinese and Black or White people, then maybe Foreigners will go to see it.

#4 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-18
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

What a shame for you that the next James Bond is going to be black. That's a tough pill for all you racist Chinese people to swallow, isn't it?

Shame for many of us without offence to this new James Bond, because we want James Bond to look a little like we do and it certainly won't be in keeping with the works of Ian Fleming.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-18
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

What a shame for you that the next James Bond is going to be black. That's a tough pill for all you racist Chinese people to swallow, isn't it?

#6 Parent nijao - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

//our major record labels and movie studios manage to infiltrate the ears and minds of their youth//

Good point. Westerners are the best in movies and music.just imagine the new James Bond choosen as an Asian or Chinese,very unliked and that is not racism,that is business $$$$$. Best.

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-15
Re China still a paradise for flat BROKE foreigners

He's just tapping into the fact that's what most Chinese people believe a beautiful Western girl to look like; a few years ago it would have been Lady Gaga, before that it would have probably been Britney Spears. Basically, whichever Western popstar's tracks get selected most in the KTV clubs at the time.

Chinese people's encounters with Western culture do tend to be rather limited, but despite the best efforts of the government to 'protect the local culture from foreign influence,' our major record labels and movie studios manage to infiltrate the ears and minds of their youth, far more than their billion dollar soft power/propaganda campaigns can ever influence the youth of the West. :D

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