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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-24
Re an English public school education

The 'Aunt Sally' (Straw Man) approach can be extremely effective when coupled with sarcasm. However, it is totally wasted on Americans because they can't even spell English words correctly, let alone understand sarcasm.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

'Aunt Sally' where I come from - not 'Straw-man' - lol

#3 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

Considering that you seem to be defending paedophiles in some way, you're one of the first people that would need to be questioned.

I have noticed that posters on this site use the straw man argument without knowing what it means; but you are right on the mark; you have used straw man as defined exactly.

#4 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

John, you are absolutely correct mate.

Yet another straw man!!

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

Considering that you seem to be defending paedophiles in some way, you're one of the first people that would need to be questioned.

After all, a lot of people that defend shitty ESL companies and training centres, tend to like things the way that they are; because it gives them a nice safe place to hide away from the authorities back home.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

If it was going to happen anywhere, it would be with an agency like them.

#7 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

Absolutely. The problem is though is that these paedophiles like to cover their tracks by
writing on forums that they object to the hiring of paedophiles. Crafty bastards!

John, you are absolutely correct mate.

By the way, do you still want to swap that 30 year-old for 3 x tens?

Lol - sorry, had to !

#8 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-23
Re an English public school education

Agreed. I'm hoping something of this magnitude will put an end to the proper authorities turning a blind eye. Then again, there is always the power of the RMB to factor in. I'm very curious to find out more about these companies crimes extending beyond the borders of China and the possibility of owners with foreign citizenship (and active overseas recruiters). International crime ring, anyone?

#9 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-23
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Money does takes precedence but it also seems that the words "pedophile foreign teacher" do hold enough weight to get the attention of parents and politicians in China.

#10 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

It really is.

Those schools are the people that are hiring staff; they should be held responsible.

Absolutely. The problem is though is that these paedophiles like to cover their tracks by writing on forums that they object to the hiring of paedophiles. Crafty bastards!

#11 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

To protect China's youth, they should remove England from the list of acceptable English
native language countries

Great idea!

The ONLY NES country on the list should be America, (God Bless Her).

Many Chinese already excel in lying, cheating, and having more faces than the town-hall-clock.

With all-American FT's running the show, ALL Chinese could excel !

#12 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

Sadly, in the case of the former that might be true. As for the latter, I can't be sure how
Disney themselves would react, but they've probably got some really dodgy people in
China running those franchises.

It must be relatively easy for previously convicted criminals to hide their past when applying for a job in China.

Police-clearance certificates are about as worthless as Chinese work contracts, and if all American FT's had to declare their reliance on meds or drugs, there would be no FT's left, lol.

It's certainly a really sad case, but in reality, it's probably isolated and could have happened anywhere.

Let's all hope that the Chinese government don't decide to have a recruitment drive for retired Catholic priests.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

Yes, it's certainly the fault of the Chinese educational industry that they hire pedophiles from the English public school system.

It really is.

Those schools are the people that are hiring staff; they should be held responsible.

#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

Sadly, in the case of the former that might be true. As for the latter, I can't be sure how Disney themselves would react, but they've probably got some really dodgy people in China running those franchises.

#15 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-22
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

I cannot think of a single instance where the safety of students has been considered more important than RMB.

That applies to universities, schools etc, right down to low-life training centres.

In China, RMB is 'god' !

#16 Parent amused - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

Both Worlda and Disney English need to be investigated at the very least.

Yes, it's certainly the fault of the Chinese educational industry that they hire pedophiles from the English public school system.

To protect China's youth, they should remove England from the list of acceptable English native language countries. As the French have been explaining for centuries, the English would prefer buggery and backgammon to bonking birds.

#17 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

Both Worlda and Disney English need to be investigated at the very least.


Like that's EVER gonna happen?

#18 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-22
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

That's just disgusting. I have no other words to describe it.

What's worse, it is stated that Disney English also employed him. F**king DISNEY. That well
known reputable brand that your children probably know and love. If that had happened in
the U.S, it would be a huge scandal.

Disgusting is a fitting description. I guess we shouldn't really be surprised from Worlda but Disney is another story. You'd think they would be more protective of their brand, even when it comes to bottom-feeding Chinese language schools. All we can do is keep spreading awareness of how bad things actually are and see if it attracts the attention of brands, parents, those in the legal profession, politicians, etc.

It's sickening to see a few measly RMB put ahead of the safety and security of children but that's what we are dealing with (for now).

#19 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

In this case, it's not something that we should laugh about.

He took advantage of China's lax laws and it is very possible that there are further offences committed during his stay in China that we will never know about.

Both Worlda and Disney English need to be investigated at the very least.

#20 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-22
Re an English public school education

Having had a traditional public school education, (co-incidentally in Coventry - my home town), I see no humour in your comment.

That said, my school was not affiliated to the church and if it had been, I could be telling a whole different story!

#21 Parent amused - 2016-05-22
an English public school education

Former Employer: Holy Trinity Church of England School, Crawley West Sussex
A Professional Conduct Panel (“the Panel”) of The Teaching Agency convened on 3 October 2012 at 53-55 Butts Road, Earlsdon Park, Coventry, CV1 3HH to consider the case of Dr Jason Terry Sanderson.

"Gentlemen of the Panel" the defendant's solicitor spoke, brushing the white curls from his powdered wig clear of his bright eyes, "I would contend today on Butts Road in Coventry that my client was merely providing a proper traditional English public school education to his young male students at Holy Trinity Church of England School!"

#22 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-22
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!


*drops the mic and walks away*

That's just disgusting. I have no other words to describe it.

What's worse, it is stated that Disney English also employed him. F**king DISNEY. That well known reputable brand that your children probably know and love. If that had happened in the U.S, it would be a huge scandal.

#23 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!
#24 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

A. Jon O'shei, Dr.T, Jerry and ScamKnight thouse four guys who claimed themselves English
teacher worked for Chinese schools for a few days, got unfiar treatment, which is really
ridiculous because they have been expelled by the Chinese Immigration Office a few years
ago and not allowed to come to China any more.

Judging by the amount of times that I have entered China recently, the immigration office must be doing a pretty crap job of keeping me out.

#25 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Well, B.J.,

1. Only somebody being paid to do so would extend any effort to defend Worlda. If one wanted examples of legitimate Chinese educational organizations to prove a point about China, Worlda wouldn't be anywhere on that list. As for using "we", I don't want to take credit for all the information associated with Guangzhou Worlda Scam outlets as many have taken time out of their busy schedules to contribute.

2. As an H.R. representative, your pay is inherently linked to recruiting foreign teachers and you therefore stand to benefit from the deception of teachers here and elsewhere. If you want to project a positive image of China, you should be working to make sure these companies clean up their act.

3. I believe at least Dr. T has explained his interaction with immigration in another post.

4. I said nothing here about the Chinese being stupid (please don't make such assumptions). If teachers are seeking work outside China that pays a higher salary, they could easily find work in Saudi Arabia or the U.A.E. This isn't an issue of salary. People choose to teach in China for other reasons so it's sad to see them taken advantage of by companies like Worlda when they arrive.

5. I never claimed to be a judge. However for someone with a strong sense of justice, such as myself, that may be a good potential career path.

#26 Parent James B. - 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Dear Mr. J,

1. I don't understand why you insist that I am from Worlda.

I only represent myself! And you only represent yourself, so please don't use "us","our",or even "foreign teachers".

2. I am a Chinese. My mother tongue is Chinese. But I have to use my little English to let other teachers know the truth.

Okay. Let me explain the two words you mentioned,

Dr.Trunoi, john O'Shei, Jerry L'epeire, who are some of the very small part of the foreign teachers expelled from China!

Here goes the evidence I found in this Forum.


And many teachers are complaining people like them make the Americans feel ashamed in China.

4. "There are many opportunities in China (it does have the world's largest population after all) but it is certainly not the only place teachers can find gainful employment." What do you mean by that? The Chinese are so stupid to pay teachers like you the money double or triple Chinese's average salary for tarnishing China!

If so ,I want to say China is really a less developed and poor country.If you come to China only for money,please stay away from China.

5. Again, please be ware of your words. You are a teacher instead of a judge.

Here is for the civilized argument instead of a place for lynch!

BTW. For those of foul-mouthed posts,no comment!
But I hope the administrator should do something to make this website looks not that like a ash-bin.

#27 Parent ScammmerscamEveryday - 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

A. Jon O'shei, Dr.T, Jerry and ScamKnight thouse four guys who claimed themselves English teacher worked for Chinese schools for a few days, got unfiar treatment, which is really ridiculous because they have been expelled by the Chinese Immigration Office a few years ago and not allowed to come to China any more.
B. Those four pathetic sunshine boys hate Chinese schools and spread rumors about Chinese, obviously, they hate Chinese school and they are hired by someone who is jealous of the growth of China's growing ESL industry.
C. we can find that the whole forum is covered by the messages posted by those four cynical losers. They make the forum dirty with bad languages, they try to insult Chinese schools and English teacher who have the intention to work in China and bridge western culture and Chinese culture. But we need this forum to be clean as usual forever.
D. I want to say that teaching in China is A real job, and the Chinese schools want you to be professional and hardworking. If you don't meet their expectations it is easy to get fired. But with a little effort and the right attitude it will be an awesome experience where you will learn a lot about China and yourself.
In the end, I want to say that you do want to work in China, do not believe anything posted by cynics. You need to explore the truth by yourself.

#28 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Thanks for catching that one. Missing unwords in my response makes life upset ;)

#29 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-19
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Also, for future reference, "complainting" and "exeled" are not words.

Oh, don't be so 'nagative' about James B :D. He's really trying his best not to sound like yet another idiot from Worlda, bless him.

#30 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-19
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

James B., are you claiming to be an H.R. representative of Guangzhou Worlda?

1. We are trying to tell the truth so companies like Worlda don't take advantage of foreign teachers and give them a bad impression of China. Companies that operate like Worlda should be ashamed of how they represent their company and the Chinese people. By trying to make sure that teachers only deal with legitimate companies, we are thereby doing a service to China and the teaching industry in general. That is the opposite of the "hate" you describe. Also, for future reference, "complainting" and "exeled" are not words. Everyone here is well aware of Worlda's former "English teachers" that can't write a coherent sentence in the language posting positive reviews. If you really want to learn from anything for this forum, know that it comes off as rather silly.

2. I'm not sure what you are getting at here. I'm not sure how you are trying to link writing a blog with getting a work permit approved in China, especially with Guangzhou Worlda. The company is the only party I am aware of conducting illegal business. Assuming you are a representative of the company, you should be much more focused on cleaning up the company. The anti-corruption push is rippling out from Beijing and eventually companies that are doing underhanded business will be held accountable. There are many opportunities in China (it does have the world's largest population after all) but it is certainly not the only place teachers can find gainful employment.

3. Whenever a problem occurs, Worlda claims the problem is because of miscommunication between cultures. There is plenty of evidence that this is far from the case. They have enough experience with foreign teachers to know what is unacceptable and considered deceptive. However, they keep repeating the same behavior. If you really want to legitimize the company, making threats is not a good way to start. I'm sure many of the teachers on this board would be willing to offer simple suggestions on what a company needs to do to not be considered scam artists.

Cheers to those conducting legal and legitimate business across the globe!!!

-S. Knight

#31 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-19
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

The most Chinglish/butthurt caught-out scammer response ever :D .

#32 Parent James B. - 2016-05-19
Good day to the kind teachers!!!

I am a H.R. from South China.

1. Dr.Trunoi, john O'Shei, Jerry L'epeire, ScamKnight!!!

Who are they?

These are people who are trying to select bias but neglect the truth.

Here are other teachers complainting them.


They are ones don't work at China but want to stir against it( in fact against most all the schools or institutions in South China).

Why they hate China?

Because of they can not find a job in their countries and had been exeled by the Chinese Government as well.

Here is for the civilized argument instead of a place for lynch!

2. ScamKnight, or I should call you Mr. J .

Nevery think about that anyone will approve your working permit or visa by threating a company with some fake "Scam" websites.

Please focus on your job and career development in future, if you still want to teach in China.

Or no school wants to take a risk to hire you once your name is "well knowned" in the whole worlda!.

No teachers want to work with nagative persons, make lifes upset!

If you can not stop doing the illegal things, you will received the court summons once you are at the gate of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection of China.

3. Foreign teachers

What I wrote here looks scared , but they are really the very small amount of foreign teachers in China.

Rather than acting like a crier, most of the foreign teachers I met were professional and virtuous.

They are focusing on their profession in teaching, focusing on bridging the gap of west and east culture, focusing on helping improve the Chinese Education, etc..

Every body knows it is not to start to work abroad,which is one of the reason that we choose to teach abroad, is to experience difference,is to chage,is to challenge,est..

They love Chinese culture , they love Chinese people and always to be positive and brave to solve problems.

No one can say everything is good in China. It is a developing country. And should be imporved on all aspects.

But even USA has a lot of nagative comments, but fact is that it's still one of great countries in the world.

4. Critics.

You are always welcome!

There are also very good suggestions on this forum helping us understand how we can improve.

I only beg and wish more details when you talk about an issue ,instead of just using some adjective or relative words.


Good day to the kind teachers!!!

#33 Parent ScamKnight - 2016-05-19
Re Guangzhou Worlda Cultural and Educational Services, Ltd. Scams

It's a good idea to produce a blog like this, however...

Wordpress.com websites are blocked in China and some teachers in China that do not use a VPN
will not be able to view your blog.

You have my full support though.

Thanks, John! You make some good points. I understand the blog is fairly limited in scope but I hope it can at least save a few teachers from falling into the icy clutches of Guangzhou Worlda. The blog gets a lot of hits from around the world (or VPNs) and Worlda does a lot of recruiting work trying to recruit teachers from their home countries. If you have a suggestion of how to better reach teachers in China (I'm admitting fairly limited Chinese ability here), I'm all ears!

#34 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-10
Re Guangzhou Worlda Cultural and Educational Services, Ltd. Scams

It's a good idea to produce a blog like this, however...

Wordpress.com websites are blocked in China and some teachers in China that do not use a VPN will not be able to view your blog.

You have my full support though.

ScamKnight - 2016-03-08
Guangzhou Worlda Cultural and Educational Services, Ltd. Scams

Hello all,
There is lengthy discussion on these forums about the endless problems with the company Guangzhou Worlda Cultural and Educational Services, Ltd. and I've set up a blog to begin to collect accounts, information and more from foreign teachers who have been victimized by this organization. I look forward to fruitful discussions with you here and at my blog. Until then, stay vigilant!

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