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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Are you STILL going on about that?

There is clearly a difference between 'negatives' in sentences such as 'I cannot not go', and 'I ain't going nowhere'.

However, my understanding was that they are both 'double negatives' due to sentence construction.

There are many citations to be found on the Internet that also agree with my understanding.

You and the good Doc have clearly pointed out that I was wrong and I accept that.

Happy now?

#2 Parent amused - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

What really annoys me is the fact that many Chinese people refuse to admit they are wrong,
even when they clearly are.

It apparently does not annoy you when YOU do not admit to not understanding what specific pattern of English language negation is defined as a 'double negative'.

No doubt your response will sustain your refusal to admit your error.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

What really annoys me is the fact that many Chinese people refuse to admit they are wrong, even when they clearly are.

They are born into a one-child-family where they become 'molly-coddled', get everything they desire, and don't understand the meaning of the word 'No'.
Then they are sent to school to a fierce environment where they are pushed and pushed to 'study harder' and 'learn more' - because China has a huge population and if they want to succeed, they must be better than the rest. Failure is not an 'option', and 'losing face' is considered 'failure'.

Some of them grow up to be nothing but obnoxious morons with the 'I'm always right' attitude.

Everyone makes mistakes. If these people learned to accept their mistakes and acknowledge them, then they may get a little more respect from us.

We all know that 'hell will freeze over' before that is likely to happen.

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