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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!


Once again, the light of your bitterness is far brighter than the light of your ability to see things from anything other than a two-dimensional viewpoint.

And you wonder why I divorced you?

Try considering, just for a nano-second, the subject in hand and to whom my 'pathetic' reply was directed at.

Or do I need to s p e l l - i t - o u t for you?

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Homer Simpson has a level of intellect to which many posters here can only aspire to achieve.

Many years ago, during the time of Saddam Hussein and his alleged WMD, a letter was sent to my (then) brother-in-law.
The letter was dated April 1 and was typed on 'official' MOD letter-headed paper.

It stated that as an able-bodied UK male citizen he must 'volunteer' for Military Service in Iraq.

My sister-in-law took about 3 nano-seconds to realise who wrote the letter, but she played along.

The following day, after my brother-in-law had endured a totally sleepless night, my sister-in-law became worried when she caught him on the phone trying to arrange for someone to break his leg.

All she had to say was 'Look at the date, stupid'. To which his reply was....'Fox......I'll KILL HIM !'

Wake-up, people!

#3 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

    My wife's, uncle's, brother-in-law's nephew has managed the Beijing Blacklist for 22 years.

My word that's a mouthful. Bit of a loser then that nephew; sat in front of his computer inventing dire reprisals against smelly training centre owners for 22 years. Has he ever worked at all in that time?

#4 Parent amused - 2016-05-21
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

My wife's, uncle's, brother-in-law's nephew has
managed the Beijing Blacklist for 22 years.

Inbred Appalachian name-dropping. How pathetic.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-20
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Worlda is a different case altogether. My wife's, uncle's, brother-in-law's nephew has managed the Beijing Blacklist for 22 years.
They have been piloting a new scheme whereby TC owners who fail to pay FT's, not only have to pay them, they have to pay them five-fold. So for every 1rmb they have tried to scam, they must pay 5rmb to the FT.
The added 'bonus' is that for every FT they have tried to scam since they began hiring FT's, they lose a finger. If they have tried to scam more than 10 FT's, then they start losing toes. One TC operator in XinJiang province was found to have tried to scam a total of 19.
Apparently our 'big toes' are used for 'balance', so they were numbers 11 and 12..

When asked what would have happened to the MALE TC owner if that number had been 21, the reply was a simple, 'Guess !'

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