Return to Index › Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-05-24
Re Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK


Let's just hope that Disney don't run their theme parks, like they run their schools.

Joking aside, the Chinese elites probably don't like the fact that Disney can probably do a better job with 2 or 3 parks in prime locations than Wanda can with 20 odd parks serving every second nongtown. Disney parks in Shanghai and H.K can attract high spending tourists from all over Asia, we can't say the same about some shitty Wanda park. That main reason is that the foreign competitors have something that the Chinese imitators don't: IPR that is actually of real value. Even if the Chinese rip it off, they'll probably execute it poorly anyway.

Then again, I'm sure that Wanda can create some crappy imitation Captain America type character that protects China from the little Japanese devils in some kind of kids cartoon show, that will be quite a winner.

#2 Parent Hahaha - 2016-05-24
Re Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK

Is there any Chinese at all who hasn't made his money from corrupting and polluting? :D

Caring - 2016-05-23
Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK

The Chinese company's man that has made his fortune from polluting neighborhoods and corrupting officials is criticizing Shanghai Disney for its high costs of building the park. He has guts to compare his filthy group that smells of toxic paint and that spreads mud and concrete all over streets of Chinese cities. Shame on the cancerous fart and his multi billion crappy business that has only built cheap housing for inflated prices.

He suggested that SDR’s costs were higher than those of Wanda and represented a “serious challenge” to the park’s profitability. Those costs he said forced SDR to make its entry prices higher than Wanda’s own location based entertainment facilities.

http://finance.yahoo.com/news/wanda-wang-jianlin-criticizes-shanghai-disneyland 110705521.html;_ylt=AwrSbp0XHkNXoAMARd1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--

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