Return to Index › Re Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK
#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-05-27
Re Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK

Jeez, there really are some idiots on this forum.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Can we change the name to ESL Teachers BORED?

#2 Parent tickled pink - 2016-05-27
Re Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK

It has been said that there is less prostitution in China than a few years ago. That is propaganda and a lie. Still plenty of pink rooms around, if you know where to look. All FT's should use pink rooms. It is certainly better than marriage to a Chinese gal. Chinese women, by far [edited]

#3 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-05-26
Re Wanda Group and Wang Jianlin SUCK

I don't deal with pink rooms nor am I interested to find them. You should ask the school you are going to work for; they might be a bit puzzled and perhaps also a bit confused; [edited]

Sorry, it was only after reading some ancient posts that I got the idea that your position was closer to that of Silverboy. But that is ancient history. I'll ask SB when he resurfaces. Silverboy seems most intelligent and intuitive, a good example to FT's who want to survive unscathed in China. If we heed his advice that is.

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