Return to Index › How do I attract students to an ESL school?
#1 Parent GuangzhouWorldaScam - 2016-06-04
Re How do I attract students to an ESL school?

You could offer commission to your teachers for bringing in new students that sign up for lessons. This method has seemed to work well for other language schools and helps develop more of a connection among all parties. Just a thought.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-03
Re How do I attract students to an ESL school?


#3 Parent ETL - 2016-06-03
Re How do I attract students to an ESL school?

Hello all,
Thanks for the info, but how do I actually find students?
I am working with an SEO company to try to increase visibility of the site.
Do I need educational agents to approach students? If so how do they do that??
Thanks, 8)

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-03
Re How do I attract students to an ESL school?

Before you can even begin to consider attracting students, you must consider a few things.

This list is not exhaustive, as I am just thinking out loud as it were, but here's a few things you might want to consider.

Firstly, what makes your school so special? I mean why should students enrol with your school as opposed to any other TC?
What can you do to set your school apart from the others?
What can you offer students that your competition isn't offering?
Students don't mind paying if they can see that they are getting good value-for-money, instead of just helping the TC owner buy his next BMW.
Remember, you need to ATTRACT students - so try to think of ways in which you can do just that.

Look at how your competition operates. Use their strengths and weaknesses to your own advantage.
It's not rocket-science. Attracting students to a school or TC is just like attracting customers to any other kind of business. Use gimmicks if you have to.

Look at unrelated business too. What methods are they using to attract customers? How can those methods be changed or adapted to a school environment?

Find out what students really WANT - and then provide it.

I wish you luck !

#5 Parent GuangzhouWorldaScam - 2016-06-03
Re How do I attract students to an ESL school?

I would recommend starting with a real effort to build a team of dedicated teachers by offering them proper working and living conditions. The students will be able to sense a situation where the school has an adversarial relationship with teachers (as is the case with many language schools) and it will, in turn, harm the business. In addition to getting information here at ESL Teachers Board, here are some links you can start with to read up on what teachers are looking for in contractual relationships with a school:



These links are just a tip of the iceberg. You'll be able to learn a lot to help build you business with only a little research online.

-S. Knight

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-02
Re How do I attract students to an ESL school?

For short term gains?

Just lie to their face and sell them unrealistic dreams about going abroad, like all the other crap schools do.

For real long term success?

Make the effort to actually learn some basic shit about marketing, be sure to understand the needs of your target consumers (or create a need) and somehow offer a decent service to offer to customers; actually hiring real decent teachers and then retaining them does go a very long way.

The fact that you've had to even ask this question suggests that this is something that you aren't familiar with.

ETL - 2016-06-02
How do I attract students to an ESL school?


Could anyone offer tips on how I can get students to enroll in an ESL language school?



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