Return to Index › foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUS DOUBLE STANDARDS
#1 Parent nijao - 2016-06-03
Re foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUS� DOUBLE STANDARDS

//You do realise that Chinese people invented the term 'wumao' don't you? Yep, the Chinese can identify bullshitting c[edited] and call them out in their own country, they run the show, haha.//

This is so hypocrite.foreigners in your western country do not have any right to criticize the locals like you and you lot do here. sample, go back to your country and dress for one day like a minority and ask for rights and fairness and changes to the private and public sector. nothing will happen and you visa will be terminated or someone will warn you to be quiet. This is all about whiteman having it his way anywhere they go,even when they are wrong and FLAT broke. Nothing personal and best to all.

#2 Parent Dr - 2016-06-03
Re foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUS DOUBLE STANDARDS

This is spot on. There are not onl Chinese, but also Western, wumaos. Second, crap pretend "schools" in China or agents do not only harm to Western teachers working for them, but also to Chinese people and to China's education system as well.

I don't think that by identifying some blatantly distracting posts that the admin or anyone else here was implying that all Chinese post "wumao" posts. China will certainly run things the way it wants to. The problem is that there are schools operating outside the law that need to be exposed for the betterment of all parties involved in the education system.
#3 Parent nijao - 2016-06-03
Re foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUS DOUBLE STANDARDS

//I don't think that by identifying some blatantly distracting posts that the admin or anyone else here was implying that all Chinese post "wumao" posts. China will certainly run things the way it wants to. The problem is that there are schools operating outside the law that need to be exposed for the betterment of all parties involved in the education system.//

No Mr. No one Chinese living IN China is a wumao.Unless they are interfering with another country,not the case here. You run your yard the way you want and let the Chinese run their yard the way they want. best.

#4 Parent GuangzhouWorldaScam - 2016-06-03
Re foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUS DOUBLE STANDARDS

I don't think that by identifying some blatantly distracting posts that the admin or anyone else here was implying that all Chinese post "wumao" posts. China will certainly run things the way it wants to. The problem is that there are schools operating outside the law that need to be exposed for the betterment of all parties involved in the education system.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-02
Re foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUSÂ DOUBLE STANDARDS

You do realise that Chinese people invented the term 'wumao' don't you? Yep, the Chinese can identify bullshitting c[edited] and call them out in their own country, they run the show, haha.

nijao - 2016-06-02
foreigners in China calling the locals wumaos. RIDICOLOUS DOUBLE STANDARDS

Tic..this is China.it belongs to the Chinese and Chinese run the show the way they want. Best to all.

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