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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-12
Re China transformation period


#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-11
Re China transformation period

Did some 'loser English teacher' steal your ex girlfriend away from you?

Some Chinese girls love the huge amounts of money that a well connected and powerful Chinese person can provide, but they all love a good foreign length as well; the Waiguoren Wallet size pales in significance, when a nice big meaty Caucasian [edited] is on offer.

*Sorry to be crude, but this little wumao needs triggering.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-06
Re China transformation period

Foreigners here ask for nothing but to be left alone.

Agree. We all have our own reasons for being here and doing what we do.

#4 Parent Hahaha - 2016-06-06
Re China transformation period

I always see you posting here with immense bias toward ESL teachers in China. You seem bitter, what happened? Did some 'loser English teacher' steal your ex girlfriend away from you? Foreigners here ask for nothing but to be left alone. Some might earn peanuts, others make a killing with private and group tuition, in any case that's not your business and not up to you to approve or disprove their presence and actions in China :)

#5 Parent amused - 2016-06-06
Re China transformation period

Every society changes constantly. All complex systems do. Perceptions of 'transformation' are relative and arbitrary.

China's economic development during the past three decades is unprecedented in World History.

The economic future of all countries is unknown, but China's domestic market is the world's largest and it's capital surplus is the envy of all other economic powers.

If there is a global economic collapse, China's lifeboat is the best equipped.

#6 Parent nijao - 2016-06-05
Re China transformation period

Judging by how Chinese debt levels are rising, you'd better hurry up and spend that cash before its value totally collapses.

Thank you acknowledging that CH have the cash and that is CH destiny alone to choose what to do with that cash.

Developing countries that made the same mistakes during their transitional periods, tend to still be developing countries.

Japan was a western model in Asia and the world, don't compare JP grow and fall with China.

As for us, most teachers are going home, or moving onto bigger and better things elsewhere.


Best wishes to all those Chinese people that were smart enough to get their money out of China and into the West.

it sound like you are reading predictions from western writers //cheap fortune tellers//. Same as opening a Chinese fortune cookie after a CH meal.

As you as you obtained that money lawfully, that is.

Are you being hypocrite here. Western countries have bad history of stealing from developing countries and make it sound as if was the right thing to do.

All the best to you and your PhD buddies.

#7 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-05
Re China transformation period

Judging by how Chinese debt levels are rising, you'd better hurry up and spend that cash before its value totally collapses.

Developing countries that made the same mistakes during their transitional periods, tend to still be developing countries.

As for us, most teachers are going home, or moving onto bigger and better things elsewhere.

Best wishes to all those Chinese people that were smart enough to get their money out of China and into the West. As you as you obtained that money lawfully, that is.

nijao - 2016-06-05
China transformation period

iam not trying to bring this same discussion again and again.but why to rant about a country in the middle of a transformation period.all of your western countries had the same period in their history.China big problem it seem to be what to do with loads and loads of cash.Best you can do is keep calm,do your English teaching and let the Chinese remake THEIR new rich China.Best to all English teachers in CH.

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