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#1 Parent Caring - 2016-06-07
Re "only Oral teaching"

The integrated English is truly a wise choice to learn the language as well as the one language in the classroom is. You wouldn't want to corrupt students with their native tool of communication, would you?

Tripe or not, teaching "integrated English" - that is, focusing on all 4 language skills and not on Oral English only - has been standard worldwide with the exception of China. Unless you haven't realised yet, I will tell you that things are changing these days and that only-conversation "teachers" are less in demand than before. This development is part of a gradual process with a shift to a demand for higher quality teaching and foreign teachers, expecting them to be able to do more than just running conversation classes only. It would be good for you to be aware of that development as otherwise you may no longer find a job some day.

It is also common sense and acknowledged these days by language pedagogy specialists that the role of pronunciation should not be overemphasized in that integrated process of leanring and teaching English. First, it makes sense to say that non-native speakers of English will mostly not acquire an accent like a native speaker and that the latter is not the point in the teaching and learnuing process. Learner speech must be good enough to be understood by native and other speakers of English for communication to be successful. Successful communication is the final aim of foreign language learning - not only in terms of pronunciation but also in terms of the other language skills. Focusing on pronunciation alone as you seem to do is not quite up to current professional standards, to put it mildly.

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