Return to Index › inevitable...? - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent mj - 2006-08-03
peter? - Teachers Discussion

tryin' to grab the attention now?
it's john who's in the limelight now.
why don't u just enjoy?

or maybe u could think of a sensible topic we could salivately chew on?

#2 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-03
Amen - Teachers Discussion

Well said. I dunno...I always seem to find it pretty easy to just avoid the threads I don't find interesting and focus on the ones do like.

But that's just me, I guess...

#3 Parent DB - 2006-08-03
Re: Peter's post - Teachers Discussion

Your brief diatribe, although laced with sarcasm and therefore a bit tacky, begs to be ignored. However, as I'm feeling a little opinionated this morning, I'll offer up this Chinese idiom (parapharased of course) as a bone for you to chew on: "It's easier to go up the mountain than it is to come down."
Once you've made it down the mountain, please honor us with your erudition and eloquence and give us something to discuss that is worthy of your time.

Peter - 2006-08-02
inevitable...? - Teachers Discussion

I used to be a regular reader and poster to this site until discussion dropped to a level not worth bothering with...

I visited for the first time again about ten days ago and was pleasantly surprised by the posts I read there seemed to be some intelligent discussion by literate contributors expressing valuable opinions...

Since then, the level once again has deteriorated into the petty squabbles of people too far from home and without a life...

Heres a good link to the complete and utter crap that goes on on some of the ESL forums...


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