Return to Index › Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?
#1 Parent Caring - 2016-06-10
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

One of the reasons is the liability, another is the incompetence.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-10
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

I (and every one of the 40+ foreign teachers that I know and have worked with in China) found
each of my positions directly by contacting schools.

And how many positions would that be during the last decade? Some FT's I know have held the same position at the same school for more than a decade, but there again, they are considered to be good teachers.

Perhaps FT's such as yourself are incapable of holding down a position for more than one semester?

Meds..........dear......take your meds and you'll be OK. I promise!

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

You are talking about 'liars'? This is China!

In a recent textbook lesson for grade 7 there was a question. 'What would happen if everyone who told a lie turned luminous green?'

Well the short answer to that is - 'China wouldn't need electric lights anymore!'

The head of foreign affairs in my school uses a recruiting agency for one reason, and one reason only. He is too busy (or too lazy) to advertise and interview potential FT's. The recruiter sends him 2 or 3 potential teachers at a time and he then interviews and chooses the one he wants.

Lying is just a game. You are either good at it or you are not, and in China, many 'successful' people are good liars. Either way, any astute person knows when they are being lied to.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

Schools use agents to distance themselves legally from your inevitable deportation.

I have tasted unripe lemons that are not as bitter as you seem to be. Did some nasty FT steal your dolly?

If you cannot contribute anything other than snide, insulting remarks, why bother?

I (and every one of the 40+ foreign teachers that I know and have worked with in China) found
each of my positions directly by contacting schools.

Well 'woopy-doo!'

I recently gave the contact information (for a good agent), to one of my friends who is looking for a new job. (This guy has more degrees than a thermometer BTW). Within 24 hours my friend had the pick of no less than 8 high school / university jobs in 8 different provinces. He didn't have to send 8 lots of documents off to 8 different schools, nor did he have to sit through 8 interviews.

If you are a lazy unqualified ignorant foreigner, by all means: use an agent to get a job in
- That is YOUR opinion, to which you are entitled.

Agents have their place. Whether you choose to use them or abuse them, some of them do a fine job!

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

Every English department in every school will most likely have an English speaking member of staff. You can easily find their contact details, especially in the case of public universities. There is never a need to ever use a recruiter for finding these kinds of jobs.

Just go on Wikipedia, any FT can find a list of every university in China. The Wikipedia page of many of those universities will have links to the university's official website on the page. If not, it will still be easy to find.

Many will have an English version of the page. If not, google translate maybe won't do a perfect job; but will probably do a good enough job to enable you to find all those contact details. If you can read Chinese or have a friend that can, that would be even better. But it is not essential.

Universities probably only use recruiters because they are either: 1.) Unbelievably lazy 2.) Know that many FTs are too stupid to do their basic research.

#6 Parent Silver Star - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

Thousands of FT's wouldn't get posts if it weren't for recruiters. It's okay for Turnoi to go it alone as he is so highly qualified and can cherry-pick I imagine. Also he is fluent in Mandarin and can phone up these schools. And very importantly can read the contracts; the Chinese version which can differ vastly from the English translation. Most of us need a helping hand; as we are no different than the competition, a million other FT's on the dole. Recruiters and agents are almost 'an act of God' in themselves; they help the needy, the estranged from Western Society.

I dunno if Turnoi is fluent in Mandarin. We only have his word for that! Also his reading skills aren't proven in my opinion. Are you trying to be sarcastic? Recruiters and agents are supplying FTs to China's schools for money. Maybe ELIC and some other NGOs including charities are exceptions to that. Don't get too carried away with the services they provide. We don't want them to become bigheads!

Turnoi is only thinking about his own situation when he posts. Somewhat haughty in his attitude along with one or two others who give the impression of talking down to those of us who are just common-or-garden FTs.

Best to ignore them while posting our own views. The readership can go whichever way they please to seek employment either by applying direct for jobs or going through agents/recruiters. The fact that these days there are so many recruiters advertising for FTs compared to a few years ago tells us the former are making money.

#7 Parent amused - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

a million other FT's
on the dole. Recruiters and agents are almost 'an act of God' in themselves; they help
the needy, the estranged from Western Society.

'On the dole', needy, estranged FTs being placed by compassionate agents into classrooms filled with China's children.
For a fee.

#8 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

The main reason is number 5 of your list. The dumping could be because of a variety of reasons. The procurement of a fast replacement is essential in the eyes of that school's headmaster. Once an FT is in a school's bad books, that school will want him out the door ASAP!

Number 3 will also be a major reason in my view. Perhaps a school got only a couple of applicants by advertising direct. From a hiring perspective, that's not a good situation.

Better leave it at that for Turnoi's sake. Glad you've found a couple of decent recruiters. They aren't all disreputable despite what some posters claim!

Thousands of FT's wouldn't get posts if it weren't for recruiters. It's okay for Turnoi to go it alone as he is so highly qualified and can cherry-pick I imagine. Also he is fluent in Mandarin and can phone up these schools. And very importantly can read the contracts; the Chinese version which can differ vastly from the English translation. Most of us need a helping hand; as we are no different than the competition, a million other FT's on the dole. Recruiters and agents are almost 'an act of God' in themselves; they help the needy, the estranged from Western Society.

#9 Parent amused - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

Yep, it's good stuff that you've posted. There are some first-class agents and recruiters out
there. Some are Western-owned outfits. However, I should stress for the benefit of
newbies that there are many shady recuiters and agents too. I should also mention that
the schools themselves choose their new FTs from the candidates put forward to them by
their agents/recruiters, generally speaking.

Real Estate agents, Insurance Agents, Brokers, Recruiters. Don't let your daughter marry any of them.

I (and every one of the 40+ foreign teachers that I know and have worked with in China) found each of my positions directly by contacting schools.

If you are a lazy unqualified ignorant foreigner, by all means: use an agent to get a job in China.

Schools use agents to distance themselves legally from your inevitable deportation.

#10 Parent amused - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

You only have to look at the way schools themselves attempt to directly advertise for FT's -
it's a joke!
Decent recruiters know how to recruit. They know what their client wants and they know what
the FT wants - for them it's just a matchmaking exercise.

Recruiters lie for a living. Good schools tell the truth and don't require recruiters.

If you are qualified, perhaps 20% of the resumes you send to good schools will result in a job offer.

If you are unqualified, you will receive no offers and then you can contact recruiters who will tell you how to lie while they lie to you about their clients and lie to their clients about you.

Matchmaking indeed. FTs that lack qualifications coached by professional contingency liars for employers that honest qualified teachers have already shunned.

It's no surprise that most of the contributors to this forum have found it necessary to use recruiters.

#11 Parent Silver Star - 2016-06-09
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

You only have to look at the way schools themselves attempt to directly advertise for FT's -
it's a joke!

Decent recruiters know how to recruit. They know what their client wants and they know what
the FT wants - for them it's just a matchmaking exercise.

A university teacher friend of mine has been looking for a new placement for next semester.
He's sick of working for peanuts. He's had a couple of offers with slightly more money
and he was ready to accept one of them.....until........

They sent him a contract, and in the section that spoke about the (free) on-campus
accommodation, it said that he must pay RMB300 per month 'rent'. (Yes, three hundred!)

He told them to stick their job as a matter of principle.

Some schools really don't have a clue!

Yep, it's good stuff that you've posted. There are some first-class agents and recruiters out there. Some are Western-owned outfits. However, I should stress for the benefit of newbies that there are many shady recuiters and agents too. I should also mention that the schools themselves choose their new FTs from the candidates put forward to them by their agents/recruiters, generally speaking.

#12 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-08
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

You only have to look at the way schools themselves attempt to directly advertise for FT's - it's a joke!

Decent recruiters know how to recruit. They know what their client wants and they know what the FT wants - for them it's just a matchmaking exercise.

A university teacher friend of mine has been looking for a new placement for next semester. He's sick of working for peanuts. He's had a couple of offers with slightly more money and he was ready to accept one of them.....until........

They sent him a contract, and in the section that spoke about the (free) on-campus accommodation, it said that he must pay RMB300 per month 'rent'. (Yes, three hundred!)

He told them to stick their job as a matter of principle.

Some schools really don't have a clue!

#13 Parent Silver Star - 2016-06-08
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

1) They don't need to pay to advertise.
2) They don't have the time or the inclination to sift through lots of potential applicants
3) They cannot get lots of potential applicants
4) They want the contract to be between the school and the agency rather than the FT
5) They can dump the FT when he clouts a student due to the fact he didn't take his meds, then demand a replacement FT quickly.

The main reason is number 5 of your list. The dumping could be because of a variety of reasons. The procurement of a fast replacement is essential in the eyes of that school's headmaster. Once an FT is in a school's bad books, that school will want him out the door ASAP!

Number 3 will also be a major reason in my view. Perhaps a school got only a couple of applicants by advertising direct. From a hiring perspective, that's not a good situation.

Better leave it at that for Turnoi's sake. Glad you've found a couple of decent recruiters. They aren't all disreputable despite what some posters claim!

#14 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-08
Re Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

I'm with Turnoi on this one, but I will humour you nonetheless.

There could be a bootload of reasons why educational establishments use agents to recruit FT's.

1) They don't need to pay to advertise.
2) They don't have the time or the inclination to sift through lots of potential applicants
3) They cannot get lots of potential applicants
4) They want the contract to be between the school and the agency rather than the FT
5) They can dump the FT when he clouts a student due to the fact he didn't take his meds, then demand a replacement FT quickly.

Agents have a place. As with any industry there are good agents and awful ones. I happen to work with 2 really good ones that I have recommended to others. From my experience, agents tend to work in one of 2 ways.

1) Agents to completely avoid if you have an ounce of grey-matter between your ears. These guys will make you sign a contract with the agency. They then essentially sub-contract you out to a school. The school pays the agency, the agency pays you. My school was paying RMB14000 per teacher, for 2 teachers last semester. In both cases the FT was getting 7000. That means the agency was creaming 7000 per month (per teacher), for doing nothing.

2) Agents who simply charge a 'finders-fee' or a 'placement fee'. They do all the interviewing in order to find what their school (client) wants. The FT then signs a contract directly with the school and the school pays the agent a one-off fee.
From then on, the school deals directly with the FT and the agent walks away. This is the better type of agent (in my opinion).

Silver Star - 2016-06-08
Why do so many Chinese educational establishments recruit FTs indirectly?

I had figured out why by using common sense. My main reason was confirmed correct by the foreign affairs officer of a Chinese school. He is experienced in his job.

I wonder if any of you can come up with my main reason. Let's see who says what. I'll reveal my main reason in the event of none of you posting it.

That's all for now.

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