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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-10
Re Online schools

That's right, the marketing and establishing contact with customers can be a tricky thing to take care of, but not only do you get to keep all of the money (or at least most it), you can do the work and live somewhere that is far nicer than most places in China.

Doing this kind of thing well may be beyond the reach of most teachers though.

#2 Parent The CFT Watchers - 2016-06-09
Online schools

One of worst scams perpetrated on foreign teachers is online schools. Bait and switch, failure to pay, fake complaints resulting in contract reneging, etc. Better you start your own online tutoring and teaching program to control where the money goes. FYI.

chinus - 2016-06-09
rate in China


I would like to ask how much is the rate per class in an online school?..how much are they offering per student in China?

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