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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-12
Re This Cannot Be Serious?

Turnoi, you are stupid! The kangaroos are not going to Antarctica at all. They are all on their way to America to become Senators after Donald Trump becomes president. Please check your facts in future before making a fool of yourself!

You said -

If that article now is a hoax, what has it done to you and others? Confirming any potential
or latent sinophobia?

Well I cannot speak for others, but I can tell you that is has done nothing to me. I was pretty certain that it was a hoax all along. The so-called newspaper that ran the story is notorious for spreading unreliable bullshit. Unless it's in the China Daily or on CNN, then it probably shouldn't be believed.

As for sinophobia? Well there's far more 'laowaiphobia' going on. Posters at railway stations referring to us as 'Foreign Dogs' are difficult to ignore.

However, it is what it is I guess. Just because some people choose to be sexist, racist, xenophobic bigots, doesn't mean that we all have to stoop to their level.

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