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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-13
Re Trading Secrets

No doubt your English-speaking Western nice country's values 'reign supreme' in a forum where
Sliverboy's misogyny and Paul Fox's inebriated lunacy bury any actual discourse.

So you first start off with 'no doubt'. This means that once again you are using the anagram of your name, (minus a second S), Assumed!

You then move on to accuse SB of misogyny and me of inebriated lunacy simply for trying to bring a bit of lighthearted banter to the fore.

Hurry home dear, Nijao is waiting for you under the rock.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-13
Re Trading Secrets

You cannot 'come to' a place where your currently do not reside. If you are still here, you
'have watched'. Everything 'going downhill' does so 'over time'. The writing ability of
nice FTs also reigns supreme on this board.

Was his comment communicated effectively? Did you understand what he meant? In case you haven't noticed, this is a discussion board and not a classroom. Do us all a favour and please keep your insipid grammatical corrections to the latter.

#3 Parent amused - 2016-06-13
Re Trading Secrets

The values of nice, developed, Western countries reign supreme on this board.

No doubt your English-speaking Western nice country's values 'reign supreme' in a forum where Sliverboy's misogyny and Paul Fox's inebriated lunacy bury any actual discourse.

Fortunately, China doesn't share those values.

Most regular posters came to China many years back and watched it go downhill over time.

You cannot 'come to' a place where your currently do not reside. If you are still here, you 'have watched'. Everything 'going downhill' does so 'over time'. The writing ability of nice FTs also reigns supreme on this board.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-12
Re Trading Secrets

John, crticising is criticising. I don't believe that simply stating facts should necessarily be regarded as criticism. :)

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-12
Re Trading Secrets

Most regular posters came to China many years back and watched it go downhill over time.

Some of us now only ever visit China for the odd business trip or to see friends. That doesn't stop us from actually giving a shit about the welfare of other foreign teachers and ensuring that they don't have to suffer at the hands of unethical Chinese bosses, like we all have at least once.

Also, if another country overtakes China in terms of popularity in the ESL sector and often shows examples of the same kind of behaviour, we'll happily criticise them too.

The values of nice, developed, Western countries reign supreme on this board. China is not even close to being self-dependent in ESL yet, despite claims coming from the propaganda pushing bureaus.

Find peace. Post on another board.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-12
Re Trading Secrets

What reasons would a sentient person have to move to a country that they despise and then
accept a job as a 'teacher' of that country's children?

I have no idea!

#7 Parent amused - 2016-06-12
Re Trading Secrets

What reasons would a sentient person have to move to a country that they despise and then accept a job as a 'teacher' of that country's children?



Marital entrapment?

A fragile ego feeding on a deluded sense of superiority?

Find peace. Go home.

paul fox - 2016-06-12
Trading Secrets

"All foreigners are Dogs!"

Yep, you're right! ESL teachers are really CIA and SAS-trained secret agents who have come to steal all your secrets.

Now, let me think what secrets I would like you to share with me......

Well I guess you could start by telling me why the hell you eat chicken heads and duck feet. Then perhaps we could move on into the more technical area of how to prepare a delicious bowl of pig brains or cow lungs.

After such a taste-bud-tempting luncheon, maybe we can discuss why you feel the need to make that horrible noise in the back of your throat before paying homage to the flob-god and coughing out a big greenie, especially onto restaurant floors.

Another secret you can share with me is why mothers with young kids have this innate desire to allow them to shit on the footpath right outside a shop doorway - especially when they are 3 metres away from a public toilet.

Then, how about explaining to me why China is regarded as one of the world leaders in technology, yet people riding on buses and trains treat mobile phones as if they are a bean-can connected to another bean-can with a piece of string.

Next, you can tell me why people think it's funny to push right in front of you when you have been standing in a queue for an hour, and why people need to invade my personal 1-metre of space when I am standing at a supermarket check-out.

Then you can please explain to me why people like to walk on the roads and drive on the footpath. And talking of driving, when I am riding my bike in a straight line and someone shoots out from a side street, straight into my path without looking, why is it MY fault for crashing into them?

I'll make a deal with you - If you share all these secrets with me, I will teach you how to cook a decent steak - because god-knows, you can't lol.

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