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#1 Parent Frank - 2006-08-05
Thanks, thoughts, and theories... - Teachers Discussion

Dr. Sung,

Thanks for your response and your offer of possible help to Fiona. I wanted to include the following comments in my first post, but in no way did I want to appear to be justifying the behavior of the folks at the school where she was abused, in any way.

I presently work for a year-round school teaching IELTS spoken training. We are in an extremely busy period at this time, due to summer vacation for many young people (and their parents) who wish to use time as an opportunity to prepare for a future IELTS examination.

While the school has plenty of Chinese teachers who teach IELTS reading, writing, and listening, the school is very short of foreign teachers for IELTS spoken training. There are only two full time FTs (one who has been with the training center for over two years, but leaving very soon; and another one who was hired only three weeks ago). I am the lone part-time foreign teacher there (as far as I can tell).

I am under separate, small contracts for each of my six classes. Recently, I have been facing some potentially serious health problems, and my doctors have advised me to stop teaching for at least three weeks. This created a real dilemma for me. I know if stop teaching immediately (as they suggested), it would cause tremendous problems for the school. There is simply no teacher available to replace me.

I feel I am obligated to complete all of my contracted classes which end August 20, if possible. I have informed the school that I must take temporary leave after August 20, and they have been very understanding (at least at this point). However, I must add that I feel this is largely due to the fact that I am NOT under contract as a full time teacher.

All training schools I have worked for (and there are quite a few) make all sorts of promises to students and potential customers regarding the quality and consistent presence of the foreign teacher. Our services are the key selling point. When we are absent from teaching, students get very upset and start demanding refunds.

I dont believe Fiona did anything wrong at all, but what I am saying is that I think the verbal and physical wrath which followed her absence was a result of the management probably being besieged with demands for refunds from most (or all) of Fionas students -- especially in a temporary summer training program situation.

The pressure from the threats the managers were likely receiving from students was unfortunately transferred to Fiona, and therefore she was denied payment for teaching services rendered, physically assaulted, etc.

Again, I am in NO WAY justifying their poor behavior! Im just trying to explain what I think might have been their panicked mindset. The crazed need for profits from English education (mainly from the services of foreign teachers) often eclipses reasonable thinking or behavior.

Do you agree with my theories about the situation? I hope you can offer some guidance to Fiona that will lead to some positive results for what she has endured.

Thanks again for reaching out to her!


#2 Parent Dr Sung - 2006-08-05
Need more understanding from the both sides - Teachers Discussion

Dear Fiona,

I am not surprised to see such kind of response from a local Chinese School.

They don't normally have any mechanism planned for any rainy days of their foreign teachers. That's why they just don't know how to response when you call sick in such a short notice.

In my school, I used to have a covering system that all foreign teachers will cover each other in those days that is needed. We all work here as a team and share the same vision.

So far, no teacher seems to abuse our covering system.

I don't think you can claim your money that easilly, however, do drop me a line on my e-mail(dicksung@gmail.com), and let me give you an idea of what you can do to try.


Dr Sung
Principal of an international School

#3 Parent Frank - 2006-08-05
VERY sad, but not surprising - Teachers Discussion

Hello, Fiona,

I was very saddened but not very surprised by your story of physical, mental and financial abuse.

I just posted an excellent, but very disturbing article from the Associated Press which investigates and chronicles similar episodes and work conditions for foreign English teachers, as the one you describe, in China.

I regret that I have no advice to offer as far as possible effective courses of action you might take to obtain the money owed you and the physical attack you suffered; but I hope some other readers at this forum can. Especially those presently working in Ningbo.

In the meantime, please consider posting your experience on the "School Reviews" page of this website as well. Quite often many readers browse that page, but don't visit this discussion forum. I'm sure you want to reach as many people as possible regarding your terrible experience.

Best wishes to you...


Fiona Morrison - 2006-08-05
Beijing ielts school in ningbo - Teachers Discussion

I have been living and working in Ningbo as a teacher for the last 2 years, and recently got a job at Beijing IELTS school for a summer course. I've been working for them for just over a month, and last week 1 of my friends had a very serious accident and dislocated her shoulder. I was in hospitol with her all night, and arrived home after a very stressfull night at just after 7am. I contacted the school and told them I wouldn'y be able to to come to the school that day. I thought everything would be ok, and they would understand that I had a emergency. Anyway, the next time I went into the school the manager and all the teachers there were furious. They fired me and refused to give me the money they owed me for classes I'd taught previously. I went back to the school with a very good chinese friend to try to ask them to give me the money owed me. They were so rude and aggresive, they threatened to have us beaten up, and one of the teachers hit me in the back as I was leaving. I have never been treated like this, I have traveled all over the World and never ever even heared that a company or school could treat one of their workers so badly. I am disgusted! People like this are what give China a bad name. THIS MUST BE STOPED! Its not the money that has upset me so muc, its how rude and aggresive they were. What can I do? Please give me any advice you can! Fiona Morrison >:-(

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