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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

You can please all of the people some of the time.
You can please some of the people all of the time.
But you can never please all of the people all of the time.

Politics is about who has the biggest d*ck. - End of......

Those of us who grew up in a democratic country know nothing else. Communism is portrayed as being evil and uncivilized.

China may have it's faults, but how many 15-year old mothers do you see carrying a child with a name that translates into Mercedes or Chardonnay? Do you see fights between the football supporters of Beijing United and Shanghai County? Do you see drunken brawls in pubs at closing time because one guy looked at another guy in a 'funny' way?

Do you see mad gunmen randomly shooting at innocent people?

Do you see policemen hiding in bushes waiting to catch the dozing motorist doing 5kph over the limit or waiting for the driver sitting at a red light to check the time on their phone so they can issue a ticket?

Do you see the PC brigade telling us we can't smoke within 20metres of an airport exit or fining us for taking two bottles of wine onto the beach instead of one?

When Chinese students tell me that they are jealous of our 'free society', I find it increasingly difficult to stifle my laugh.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

True and the fact that a lot more far left/right candidates are emerging only suggests that under democracy, previous leaders of a more conventional nature failed to satisfy the people. One can not complain about the rise of Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders (who probably came closer than the polls suggest) when there are many people out there that believe that they offer a better solution, their rise could have been prevented by existing politicians doing a better job beforehand.

Dictators tend not to be held so accountable, until all hell breaks loose and they face a revolution.

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