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#1 Parent caring - 2016-06-15
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

No politician, who'd challenge the Founding Fathers, would have a chance in the US. Obama seems to be the only one that's come close as he's voiced is frustration with the gun control and as he's got a root in the native indian's land through his mother. Just have a look at how much criticizm he's taking for his Orlando remarks. One truly can't ever satisfy all people but if s/he confronts the characters that founded America....

The US isn't the only nation that charrishes its "heros" as Canada (with the Queen) or China (with Mao) are some of the other examples too. In the case of China, party members must be extremely cautious with whatever their man stood for.

So, if one wants to lead, s/he's got to compromise. Like I have said before,whether bending over that results in deaths of people will be confronted or not in nations like the US remains to be seen.

I wrote:
What is crucial for the nation is considering all groups/all views in
schools and laws which is extremely difficult and sensitive.

You replied:
Why the sensitivity? Because idiotic politically correct dancing monkeys think so. Has anyone actually ASKED minority groups if they are 'offended' by western culture

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

What is crucial for the nation is considering all groups/all views in
schools and laws which is extremely difficult and sensitive.

Why the sensitivity? Because idiotic politically correct dancing monkeys think so. Has anyone actually ASKED minority groups if they are 'offended' by western culture?

These people choose to live in our countries and as such they should accept our way of life and our culture. What happens to Christian people who go to Saudi Arabia and try to build a church? 88 my friend, no questions asked.

Do those of us who live in China start demanding that the Chinese government do more to embrace our culture and introduce some road-rules? Or do we just accept it as being the Chinese way of life, safe in the knowledge that if we don't like it, we are free to leave?

Yet we have to lose our 'Happy Christmas' in favour of 'Happy Holidays' in case it offends the people who send our schoolkids home with a card that says 'Happy Diwali'. Does any ethnic minority give a rat's-arse about Christmas?

Chinese kids go to school on Christmas Day, yet most FT's are given time off because the Chinese respect that it's our tradition and a day of drinking and eating a years supply of chocolate. Problem? - No!

The US government wants to ban the word 'oriental' in case it offends oriental people, yet the word 'oriental' simply means 'eastern', so why not ban that too? Has anyone took the time and trouble to ASK oriental people if that word is offensive? No! It's just the idea of some drunken dancing monkey that is paid a fortune to come up with stupid ideas in order to prevent potential racial-tension between ethnic groups that quite frankly don't give a f*ck. It's complete bollox!

Oh, we must be sensitive to ethnic culture - well that's fine - just so long as they are sensitive to ours.

#3 Parent Caring - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

I somehow agree with you about the sociological studies point as the issue is a diversity; however, I can't see laws/schools be as insignificant as you seem to suggest. In the US that's so rich of cultures, people have a really tough time getting along with each other which I believe is the factor in many violent crimes, this one inclusive respectfully. What is crucial for the nation is considering all groups/all views in schools and laws which is extremely difficult and sensitive. This, I believe, may also be greatly damaging for the American Founding Fathers "heritage group". So, whether the American society evolves around its founders and money or all people remains to be seen.

Your reply to the below quotes:
No. Sociological studies show that neither religion. nor laws nor educational estabishments are at fault. It just depends on what (certain) people make of it. A year ago, I published a book on exactly that topic that included a socio-historical study of different major world religions and what their impact was on society an culture in their respective environments. Is Roman Catholiism a religion of pedophiles because some of their priests were exposed as such? I beg to differ a bit.
I wrote:
Religions aren't at fault but laws and schools are
Paul replied to me:
They all go together mate. Religion, laws, and educational establishments
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