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#1 Parent Guangzhou Worlda Scam - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

I think it's a fair assumption that there would be some changes in the arms dealers and shareholders business practices if their children were being affected (attacked in places where the common people can be found, going off to fight in wars for unclear reasons, etc.). It does give a sense of hope and pride to see more and more people waking up to how wrong it is to have the concept of profit and war so intertwined. The US has done a lot of playing with fire and at least puts on the air of being surprised when it gets burnt. I certainly condemn the radical actions taken against innocent people but (like you) can't say I am shocked that they occurred. There are definitely some lessons to be learned and some foreign policy changes to consider.

#2 Parent Caring - 2016-06-16
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

I've never really wished anyone to die but now I have this image of all the arms dealers/shareholders loved ones packed in such a club as the Orlando's one and with such a lunatic as Mateen was there. I don't suppose the business would be the same the next day.

The populations of US or Canada consist of people from around the world, and so the skeletons from across the globe in their closets may always haunt them on their own soils. Inviting dangerous neighborhoods' folks to your home while expanding your influence there means that you ought to be prepared for some consequences.

#3 Parent Guangzhou Worlda Scam - 2016-06-16
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

It is a sad and shocking mess with one aspect feeding the other. Somehow, the arms dealers and the elite always seem to come out on top. According to the victim accounts I've been reading, the shooter was very clear that his motive was to bring attention to the bombing of Afghanistan...

#4 Parent caring - 2016-06-16
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

What's shocking for most people may sadly be great for the arm producers and their shareholders. Those horrified people may be arming up to their teeth now.

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Guns and the system are wrong, God is not.

Of course god is not wrong - he/she can't be wrong because he/she only exists in the minds of the unfortunate pea-brained believers who have blind-faith in santa claus and the tooth fairy.

You are right, we are both in that same yellow submarine, but it goes much deeper than sailing along just under the waves.

Human rights, civil rights and political correctness have become so labyrinthine that no-one knows what's what anymore.

Freedom of belief / thought /conscience may be a human right, but the right to buy a gun in the USA is a civil right.

Then bring in the PC brigade and they will tell you that because a human right includes freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, and that true democracy states that everyone is responsible for their own actions, then by not allowing a person to shoot someone is technically a violation of such.

If freedom of speech and freedom of belief are held so strongly, then why should it be illegal for someone to publicly declare that according to god's law, all gays should be executed? Surely by definition, failing to allow them to do this is an infringement of their human rights. But then what about freedom of equality and the basic human right to live in safety?

OK, so I may be going over-the-top a bit to make a point, but essentially one right contradicts the other. Then the PC brigade enter the fray and try to appease both sides of the argument, and law-makers, judges etc just give up and go home because they can't be bothered with all the bullshit.

What is left is a complete mess that nobody has the faintest clue how to clean up!

#6 Parent Caring - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Guns and the system are wrong, God is not.

My view:
Religions aren't at fault but laws and schools are
Your reply:
They all go together mate. Religion, laws, and educational establishments. You don't have to look further than who that nutter pledged his allegiance to.
Canada may be criticised as the most politically correct country in the world, but it's difficult to fault its strict zero-tolerance on guns.
Religions may be followed peacefully or confrontationally just like laws/schools may be administered. For that, I agree with you that they aren’t different. However, my view is that blaming the shooter’s God, or the ISIS or any other terrorist group, for what happened in that night club is a great overkill. The fact that the system/media are looking for excuses for the nation’s inability to cope with its gun control and scores of nutcases owning all sorts of weapons is difficult to overlook.

My view:
Law makers, politicians and educators are worried for their jobs to confront the topic,
Your reply:
The same goes for many topics. People in authority are too scared of the politically correct do-gooders.
Another sad fact is that I have many senior 2 students who are supposed to be heading to America for further study this summer. Following the Florida tragedy, many are now looking at their options and seriously considering whether or not to continue with their plan to study in 'the land of the free'.
Many topics are truly serious but not as many of them have barrels with bullets flying at an enormous speed against you. Which ones, do you think, we should take care of first?

It seems that we’re on the same boat (or in the same yellow submarine). Such disasters are really waiting to happen in many places where guns are allowed. Hard to forget the schools where shootings have put students under their tables in the US before. Regardless, some American universities have been incredibly unable to deal with the issue of guns on their campuses. Take the Colorado University for example where a few years ago a student took the educational institution’s leadership to court for preventing him the “right” to keep his gun when studying there. The unbelievable ruling to allow this spoiled brat the gun in the school and made the change to the university’s regulations is one of many instances that the American system respects its Founding Fathers and the businesses that produce firearms and ammunition more than its citizens and visitors to the nation.

#7 Parent GuangzhouWorldaScam - 2016-06-14
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Horrific news :(

#8 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Religions aren't at fault but laws and schools are

They all go together mate. Religion, laws, and educational establishments. You don't have to look further than who that nutter pledged his allegiance to.

Canada may be criticised as the most politically correct country in the world, but it's difficult to fault its strict zero-tolerance on guns.

Law makers, politicians and educators are worried for their jobs to confront the topic,

The same goes for many topics. People in authority are too scared of the politically correct do-gooders.

Another sad fact is that I have many senior 2 students who are supposed to be heading to America for further study this summer. Following the Florida tragedy, many are now looking at their options and seriously considering whether or not to continue with their plan to study in 'the land of the free'.

#9 Parent amused - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Perhaps that's one reason why many of us like China?

"Us?" The voices or you and the forum gang?

#10 Parent Caring - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Religions aren't at fault but laws and schools are. Places, where people learn, fail, and then gun stores, where unprepared folks get what they are offered, do business only. Law makers, politicians and educators are worried for their jobs to confront the topic, since America without guns would not be where it is today. Unfortunately, the true Native Americans and Brits may understand this better than the actual Americans as they know what the guns and gun powder has meant in the region only. Cherokee Indians, for example, died protecting their land; Brits saw The American Revolution against gun control program. Anyhow, not cherishing the God but Founding Fathers is what takes so many innocent lives away everyday. The preference for China may not just be for its atheist leadership but for its uncompromising gun control.

My conclusion:
In the end, we will never learn how to coexist on Earth unless we truly globalize and adjust our educational systems to bring up better future generations than we currently do around the world and unless we stop electing people to power which is unnecessary.

Your Follow-up:
This may sound trite but I have to say it. Not only do I have to, but right now I have the RIGHT to. It's only my personal opinion and my POV, although it may upset a few people -

The tragedy in Florida once again highlights the fact that humans will never coexist peacefully on earth until such time as everyone accepts that there is no god.

Mainstream religions consider 'god's word' to be final, and 'god' said that homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, those poor bastards got killed because some crazy nutter thought he was carrying out god's will.

Religion per se is the deep-seated root of all the troubles on this planet. In my opinion, any form of god belongs with the easter bunny and the tooth fairy.

I feel compassion for the families of the dead. I also feel compassion for the family of the nutter. Yet I feel nothing but hatred, not necessarily for the gunman himself, but for the sick bastards who turned him into one.

I also feel sorry for the American people. I feel sorry that they have allowed political correctness to penetrate so deeply into their lives that the authorities couldn't do more when the nutter was previously questioned.

Religion and political correctness are cancerous tumours in our world.

Perhaps that's one reason why many of us like China?

#11 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

You make a weather-vane look resolute.

Yes, and handsome. If you can't stand the heat, you know what to do......

#12 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

In the end, we will never learn how to coexist on Earth
unless we truly globalize and adjust our educational systems to bring up better future
generations than we currently do around the world and unless we stop electing people to
power which is unnecessary.

This may sound trite but I have to say it. Not only do I have to, but right now I have the RIGHT to. It's only my personal opinion and my POV, although it may upset a few people -

The tragedy in Florida once again highlights the fact that humans will never coexist peacefully on earth until such time as everyone accepts that there is no god.

Mainstream religions consider 'god's word' to be final, and 'god' said that homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, those poor bastards got killed because some crazy nutter thought he was carrying out god's will.

Religion per se is the deep-seated root of all the troubles on this planet. In my opinion, any form of god belongs with the easter bunny and the tooth fairy.

I feel compassion for the families of the dead. I also feel compassion for the family of the nutter. Yet I feel nothing but hatred, not necessarily for the gunman himself, but for the sick bastards who turned him into one.

I also feel sorry for the American people. I feel sorry that they have allowed political correctness to penetrate so deeply into their lives that the authorities couldn't do more when the nutter was previously questioned.

Religion and political correctness are cancerous tumours in our world.

Perhaps that's one reason why many of us like China?

#13 Parent amused - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

You make a weather-vane look resolute.

God Bless America,,,,,,

In response to This Cannot Be Serious? (paul fox):

The problem with [edited] is the fact that she is American. What does she do? Well firstly she can't spell English words correctly, (colour, flavour etc), and she can't even pronounce 'Aluminium' correctly. (It's Al oo Minn Yum [edited], not Al OO Min Um)

What can she and her buddies offer the rest of the western world? Well there's Hilly-Willy-Hater Clinton; Monny-Wonny-sucky-sucky - who is so useless that she gets 'baby-juice' all down her dress, and of course, perhaps the biggest organised terrorist group in the world.

Add to that the huge number of under 15-year-old mothers and the fact that her country brought us french-fries, fat people, and type 2 diabetes!

#14 Parent Caring - 2016-06-13
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

America's founded with guns. The Founding Fathers did what they thought they had to do to get rid of the natives' influences. Over 300 million people, whether they were born or not there, now may be allowed to own pistols, perhaps, as the Founding Fathers' will. Changing the rights to own guns in the US may be just like meddling in the People's Republic affairs where the communists rule. We're living in the world with borders, laws and systems drawn by few people who care little about others but themselves. So, it's not the god who blessed America but guns, and then it's not the 5,000 years history that drives China but the few rulers. In the end, we will never learn how to coexist on Earth unless we truly globalize and adjust our educational systems to bring up better future generations than we currently do around the world and unless we stop electing people to power which is unnecessary.

paul fox - 2016-06-12
For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Sometimes the troubles affecting FT's in China and the ESL industry as a whole pale into insignificance........

God Bless America,,,,,,


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