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#1 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-20
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

As long as Worlda, (and others), fear it, then its phantasmagorical existence is justified.

Yes but they don't; only that some deluded individuals including the BB itself says Worlda and others do operate under that fear. Wishful thinking.

#2 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-20
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Clearly Turnoi has dented a few schools in his time and some of them will be concerned as to what he says; but they won't give a jot what this blacklist says. No 'Charles Turnoi Bronson' seems to be the only ESL viable avenger around.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-20
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

The BB is a chimerical organisation created to impact on certain TC owners such as Worlda.
I certainly don't think that exposing all the facts would likely have a positive effect. Especially on those it was designed to protect.
As long as Worlda, (and others), fear it, then its phantasmagorical existence is justified.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-19
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

if he
believes that the beijing blacklist is more that wimps behind keyboards sucking
lollipops and doing stuff that can send you blind .

Proof that whoever said 'Common sense prevails', didn't have any!

#5 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-19
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

    After this, Turnoi will return to China in order to give private tuition to FT's on the subject of scumbag training centre owners, and to head-up the Beijing Blacklist.

It's clear that Turnoi is an exceedingly well qualified intellectual. But like so many absent-minded professor types he could be flawed in the common sense department if he believes that the beijing blacklist is more that wimps behind keyboards sucking lollipops and doing stuff that can send you blind . No disrespect meant to him.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-18
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Turnoi works secretly from an undisclosed European location with like-minded Chinese
dissidents, is what I read between the lines-busy translating multiple languages. He has
not offered me baijiu.

Turnoi works from a penthouse apartment in the Bahamas. He has not offered you baijiu because his personal pilot has conjunctivitis and is unable to fly Turnoi's private jet into Beijing in order to purchase his favourite tipple.

Turnoi is currently holed-up on his balcony, enjoying the tropical view, whilst at the same time simultaneously translating the Dead-Sea-Scrolls into 400 different languages and attempting to make sense of biblical contradictions.

His Chinese dissidents are busy peeling him grapes and working towards perfecting his latest recipe for egg-fried-rice.

After this, Turnoi will return to China in order to give private tuition to FT's on the subject of scumbag training centre owners, and to head-up the Beijing Blacklist.

I therefore respectfully suggest that you leave him alone, for now.

#7 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-18
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Turnoi works secretly from an undisclosed European location with like-minded Chinese dissidents, is what I read between the lines-busy translating multiple languages. He has not offered me baijiu.

#8 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-18
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Your fictional narration is entitled to poetic license, thought the dimwit FTs here tilt at
your windmills.
Foreign teacher Paul's stuff and nonsense is a genuine attempt at written English.

Tis always the self-made man that worships his creator!

#9 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-18
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Unfortunately, equivocating seems to be more than just a hobby for some people.

#10 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Have you been drinking Bye Joe with the good Dr?

#11 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Your fictional narration is entitled to poetic license, thought the dimwit FTs here tilt at your windmills.
Foreign teacher Paul's stuff and nonsense is a genuine attempt at written English.

?? That's two of you speaking riddles at me!

#12 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

You are correct. My poor attempt at writing Geordie, lol.

#13 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Well 'wai-fickn-ai-fickn-bonnie-fickn-lad !'

Will I be up to teaching IELTS tomorrow when I don't

really know what it is?

That's a rhetorical question, but I doubt you know the meaning of that. It's at times like this that I wish there were a god, because he could certainly be of some help after reading your post.

You'll be taking up employment at some reputable training centre then?

Don't worry about IELTS, they don't know what it is either!

if 'wai' sounds like 'wey-aye' .. I guess you mean, yes/of course/

You must mean ' Well, f**kin' aye, bonnie lad'

'Yes of course, sunshine/mate/pal'...

#14 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

at times like this that I wish there were a god, because he could certainly be of some help after reading your post.

Odd bod is right actually, otherwise(using was) you would have said that at times like these I wish there used to be a god, and so on.

#15 Parent amused - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Your fictional narration is entitled to poetic license, thought the dimwit FTs here tilt at your windmills.
Foreign teacher Paul's stuff and nonsense is a genuine attempt at written English.

#16 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Postscript is one word.

Had you been as pedantic at the beginning of this thread, you would have noticed that the title also has two full stops after the word 'Criticise'.

It's my faulty computer keyboard, it does it sometimes..

#17 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Well 'wai-fickn-ai-fickn-bonnie-fickn-lad !'

Will I be up to teaching IELTS tomorrow when I don't
really know what it is?

That's a rhetorical question, but I doubt you know the meaning of that. It's at times like this that I wish there were a god, because he could certainly be of some help after reading your post.

You'll be taking up employment at some reputable training centre then?

Don't worry about IELTS, they don't know what it is either!

#18 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Perhaps post-scrotum would be better?

Parenthesis or Parentheses? Another Americanism perhaps?

Parenthesis/Parentheses are not used to refer to prior text - Yes they are! When I take a break from sticking pins in my eyes, I might even send you a few citations.

Ambiguous denotes emotion or meaning, not appearance. Ambiguity is used in a variety of ways in order to deliberately, (or innocently), cause confusion. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be ambiguous, would it?

Commas are often used as a reflection of speech. Therefore, by nature, they may be used, or not used, however the writer intends them to be, used.

Even poor writing is deliberate. Depends on who's doing the writing and what their intended meaning is. Perhaps it's ambiguous?

#19 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Post script..

Before the grammar police come knocking, perhaps I should say that the opening line (Nothing

in Genesis can agree on many issues), was written this way deliberately - just to appear

ambiguous, lol.

Knock knock.
Postscript is one word.
What is the meaning of the two periods after postscript?
You are not saying anything; you are attempting to write.
Parenthesis are not used to refer to prior text.
The comma after the parenthesis is incorrect.
Ambiguous denotes emotion or meaning, not appearance.
No doubt each of these errors "was written this way deliberately". Even poor writing is deliberate.

It looked all good English to me as did your admonishing corrections,,but what do I know as I am not a teacher, we need to bring in the DR to be sure. Having said that the training centre who hired me for my dubious oral English skills (I'm from Newcastle) has just sent me a lesson plan for teaching IELTS, whatever that may be. What they haven's sent me is the important videos of students taking part in coherence and fluency exams. What we will do is gatecrash (1 word or 2?) the motorway tomorrow, arrive early, teach, making sure I've had a few cans to blag my way through, book into a hotel and teach again on Sunday. That's a large part of my earnings gone. What does this have to do with your post?? Nothing, only that to witness you two intellectuals sparring and not understanding why scarred me. Will I be up to teaching IELTS tomorrow when I don't really know what it is? All I know intellectually is some ancient Chinese characters which I learned to write purely for art work hobby.

#20 Parent amused - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Post script..

Before the grammar police come knocking, perhaps I should say that the opening line (Nothing
in Genesis can agree on many issues), was written this way deliberately - just to appear
ambiguous, lol.

Knock knock.
Postscript is one word.
What is the meaning of the two periods after postscript?
You are not saying anything; you are attempting to write.
Parenthesis are not used to refer to prior text.
The comma after the parenthesis is incorrect.
Ambiguous denotes emotion or meaning, not appearance.
No doubt each of these errors "was written this way deliberately". Even poor writing is deliberate.

#21 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-16
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Post script..

Before the grammar police come knocking, perhaps I should say that the opening line (Nothing in Genesis can agree on many issues), was written this way deliberately - just to appear ambiguous, lol.

#22 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-17
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Nothing in Genesis can agree on many issues, for example, what came before Adam, (birds, trees etc). Genesis 1 says that Adam and Eve were created at the same time, yet Gen 2 says that Eve was created sometime later. Genesis also contradicts itself by stating that god was pleased / not please with his creation of the garden of eden.

Noah was a 600-year old geriatric, yet we are supposed to believe that he managed the food, diet and living quarters of thousands of animals.

Translation errors concede that Mary was not in fact a virgin, but a woman of marriageable age.

The Gospel of John disagrees with the other three Gospels on the activities of Jesus - and all four Gospels contradict each other regarding Christ's last moments and resurrection.

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke contradict each other on the subject of Jesus Christ's father, (although agree that Joseph was not his real father).
Matthew says that astronomers came to visit the baby Jesus, yet Luke quotes them as being shepherds, and Matthew, Luke and John all quote Jesus' last words on the cross as being completely different from each other. -The list goes on.......

Contradictions are somewhat understandable for a random collection of documents, but not for something portrayed as a carefully constructed treatise, allegedly put together in order to convince the masses that it's really a 'well thought out plan'.

So, how do the pea-brains explain these disagreements and contradictions? - Easy.......

'Oh, it's a metaphor.' In other words, what is written is not what is really meant. Absolutely hilarious! Especially for people who decide what is not to be understood as anything other than the absolute 'word of god', which of course, just so happens to go along with whatever it is that they happen to want at that particular time.

Then they will say something like - 'It has to be taken in context'. Well hang on, didn't you just say that it's a metaphor? Again, hilarious. How can you cite clear context when using a metaphor? Well that's because the same pea brains love to push extracted verses that just happen to support their particular viewpoint. Usually it's just one of the verses found in the contradictory text that is supposed to be understood as being 'the truth', yet if you add more, it suddenly becomes 'out of context.' (John 3-16 anyone?)

'Oops! That's obviously a translation error!' - Which really means that the pea brains are not disagreeing with biblical events as such, they are disagreeing with what is written. A laughable attempt at misdirection to the fact that the bible itself is wrong.

'It was a miracle!' Yeah, of course it was, pea brain - that's why it is stated as fact.

And then there's the stock-standard reply that god works in mysterious ways. This has become the perfect escape for the pea brains, especially in situations when they don't understand the conflict between what the bible says, and what they wish it said.

An excellent post. Genesis does satisfactorily explain one thing though 'how it was that a rainbow never appeared in the sky until after the flood' although with all that moisture hanging around to mist the foliage you'd think there were the odd waterfalls to produce mini-rainbows- but it doesn't say there weren't to be fair.

#23 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-16
Re For Those Who Love To Criticise..

Geneis 1 is an Elohist source text because the word for GOD used here in Hebrew is ELOHIM
(literally "the Gods", which is to be taken as a pluralis majestatis - like a
king or queen in a decree would use WE when referring to him/herself).

Genesis 2 uses the term JAHWEH in Hebrew and thus is a Jahwist source text.

Nothing in Genesis can agree on many issues, for example, what came before Adam, (birds, trees etc). Genesis 1 says that Adam and Eve were created at the same time, yet Gen 2 says that Eve was created sometime later. Genesis also contradicts itself by stating that god was pleased / not please with his creation of the garden of eden.

Noah was a 600-year old geriatric, yet we are supposed to believe that he managed the food, diet and living quarters of thousands of animals.

Translation errors concede that Mary was not in fact a virgin, but a woman of marriageable age.

The Gospel of John disagrees with the other three Gospels on the activities of Jesus - and all four Gospels contradict each other regarding Christ's last moments and resurrection.

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke contradict each other on the subject of Jesus Christ's father, (although agree that Joseph was not his real father).
Matthew says that astronomers came to visit the baby Jesus, yet Luke quotes them as being shepherds, and Matthew, Luke and John all quote Jesus' last words on the cross as being completely different from each other. -The list goes on.......

Contradictions are somewhat understandable for a random collection of documents, but not for something portrayed as a carefully constructed treatise, allegedly put together in order to convince the masses that it's really a 'well thought out plan'.

So, how do the pea-brains explain these disagreements and contradictions? - Easy.......

'Oh, it's a metaphor.' In other words, what is written is not what is really meant. Absolutely hilarious! Especially for people who decide what is not to be understood as anything other than the absolute 'word of god', which of course, just so happens to go along with whatever it is that they happen to want at that particular time.

Then they will say something like - 'It has to be taken in context'. Well hang on, didn't you just say that it's a metaphor? Again, hilarious. How can you cite clear context when using a metaphor? Well that's because the same pea brains love to push extracted verses that just happen to support their particular viewpoint. Usually it's just one of the verses found in the contradictory text that is supposed to be understood as being 'the truth', yet if you add more, it suddenly becomes 'out of context.' (John 3-16 anyone?)

'Oops! That's obviously a translation error!' - Which really means that the pea brains are not disagreeing with biblical events as such, they are disagreeing with what is written. A laughable attempt at misdirection to the fact that the bible itself is wrong.

'It was a miracle!' Yeah, of course it was, pea brain - that's why it is stated as fact.

And then there's the stock-standard reply that god works in mysterious ways. This has become the perfect escape for the pea brains, especially in situations when they don't understand the conflict between what the bible says, and what they wish it said.

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