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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-10
Summer camps - Teachers Discussion *Link*

Summer camps (and the winter camps held over Spring Festival season) CAN be legal, but many are not fully legal...

My biggest problem with them is that virtually none of them offer a legal visa or residence permit to the teachers who come in to teach them. It cuts into profits to offer you a legal visa; most will tell you that it's OK for you to come work on a tourist or business visa. It's done a lot, but it's not necessarily OK...working for a Chinese company here without a Z visa/residence permit is plain old illegal. Period. Teachers can be and are fined, deported, and worse for this.

Also, the hours of camps tend to suck...very long days with very few days off. When you aren't working, you're too tired to do much.

There have also been a lot of problems with food, housing, abuse of free time (ie surprise demo classes, etc.) and so on in connection with camps.

Schools LOVE camps because they are extremely profitable for them. However, while there may be some good ones, many of them tend to be a pretty bad deal for the teacher if you look closely at what you have to do and how you have to live.

Personally I NEVER work a camp and can't recommend them to anyone.

#2 Parent Gaby - 2006-08-10
Summer camps in China - Teachers Discussion

Are summer camps legally in China ?
What`s going on actually ?

#3 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-07
Par For The Course - Teachers Discussion *Link*

Sorry you had the problems. This kind of thing is, unfortunately, becoming more common.

Most likely someone at the camp neglected to pay a bribe, or a rival school with better connections decided to go on the attack, or the camp owner just decided to get you all the bum's rush out of China so he didn't have to pay you.

Any and all these things are highly possible in China.

mike williams - 2006-08-06


If you are planning to teach at a camp in ShanghaiDON'T! I have been an educator for many years and a teacher in china for over 4 years. The way myself and several other teachers were treated by the shanghai police was appalling. While teaching for THE BEST INTERNATINAL ENGLISH VILLAGE SUMMER CAMP in the city of shanghai on the SISU Shanghai International Studies University campus several teachers were told by one of the camp leaders Dr. Stott Forester, also a recruiter for the summer camp, to go to the police station. Once there we were treated as criminals. Interrogated and put in separated rooms as if we were international criminals on Interpols most wanted list. We were literally interrogated and video taped by officers who were rude, uncooperative and disrespectful. I have traveled around the world and have never been treated that way by any foreign government; especially by one that invited me to their country to teach.

Several days later a group of officers showed up at the camp and we were in formed that we must signed official documents stating they had broken Chinese law because we did not have a separate visa to teach in the city of shanghai for the summer. Now I have taught before at summer camps in other cities and other provinces. Never before have I had this problem... neither have any of the other of the other teachers I might add. When several of the teachers asked for a written translation of these documents these officers, if you can call them that, became belligerent and refused to provide us with as much as a handwritten translation. We were mad to signed documents we could not read. They kept saying; this is not a serious matteryou can trust us yeah right. I later learned of the officers worked as a TA (teaching assistant) for the very same there year before. Several of teachers had taught at this summer camp last year. They said this was not problem last year. It would seem the only consistent in China is inconsistency.
About four or five days later we still had not received our passports back from the shanghai police. We were later told that all of our Visas were cancelled!! We were given seven days to leave the country. We were told to GET OUT! Those of us who had plans had to cancel them. Some teachers had just come from there perspective countries and did not have the money to turn around and now buy another international ticket. I must add that BEST summer camp should accept some the responsibility here. After all we were employed by them. They should have looked it this matter and been more informed. Many teachers simply in limbo waiting and wondering what do. We had never broken any laws before and certainly had never been kicked out off a country before.

If this how China treats it guests it will have a hard time getting teachers to come and work for $500 to $800 dollars per month. It is clear we are not here for the money. Is there any wonder why schools are having such a hard time finding teachers? Never before and never again, most teachers, myself included, now will choose to go elsewhere, more money, less hassle and much better treatment.

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