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#1 Parent Raoul Duke - 2006-08-08
Waste of Time - Teachers Discussion

Thank you, Frank, but you really shouldn't bother.

The guy is foaming at the mouth at this point...lost touch with reality. There's no getting through to someone at this stage. He's just starting thread after thread of the same old ranting.

He's definitely long since blurred the distinction between "his opinion" and "the truth". He doesn't seem prepared to consider that others may not necessarily take his every word as gospel, which I suspect is what's really behind this incredibly long and stupid and pointless battle.

Besides, maybe he really believes that his imaginary friends are real, and really are sending supporting messages for him using his own computer.

(It should be pointed out that Frank is a REAL PERSON and lives in a different city from me.)

#2 Parent Frank - 2006-08-08
It never ends... Essays during the final descent... - Teachers Discussion

Unbelievable!!! Now we're being subjected to yet another posting on the subject of LYING from someone who, only two days ago, wrote a glowing tribute to himself while posing as another person!

John/"Dave's" closing swipe: "He tells lies by manipulating words and inventing others."

Well, you certainly should be able to detect THOSE tendencies in someone else, John/"Dave!" After all, you're the master of those tricks!

Oh, but wait, you're not finished John/"Dave": "Despite having said this, Mr Duke, I really do wish you well"

Right... I'm sure Raoul Duke can clearly see (and believe) that no malice was intended on your part, and that you have only genuine concern and high-hopes regarding his future.

Gee, it's a good thing for you John/"Dave" that China is still grappling with the existence and legitimacy of mental illness; its symptoms and various types of manifestations. Otherwise, you might not be able to roam so freely around these parts.

I can't begin to imagine what you'll be up to next... and under what moniker?

John - 2006-08-08
China: Thirteen Lies from Mr Duke - Teachers Discussion

I give you thirteen lies that Mr Duke has included in his postings. They are lies of record, which means that what he says can be checked on by reference to other postings in the these threads. They require no further explanation, though Mr Duke may claim otherwise. Those who are interested can check up on the truth quite easily.

He also tells a number of other lies but they are accusative in nature and are incapable of being proved either way. I have not bothered with any of these for example he says:

I don't at all dispute that teachers who simply lie to tar the reputation of a school damage us all and are worthy of censure from the rest of us. I'd be with you 100%...if that's what you were really doing.

He cannot prove that he would be with me and I cannot prove that he wouldnt best leave it alone.

Lie No.1

Excerpt from

John vs Every Foreign Teacher in China

Posted By: Raoul Duke
Date: 23 July 2006

If you look at John's posting history, mostly over on the Reviews side, it's hard not to notice that John seems to exist for one thing and one thing only: to try and shoot down any complaint that any foreign teacher makes about any school. He puts a lot of work into making it look as if any problem that happens in China is entirely the fault of the foreign teacher.

I did a check on my history (something he obviously did not) and was able to tell the forum that I had only challenged five teachers in a period of seven months and these included Dr Cross and Yi. I was also able to say that in the same period, I had also complained about three schools including the busting of two African scams. Thus, in the period referred to, which is prior to the two recent complaints about Dr Cross and Yi, my posting history only involved me complaining about three teachers in seven months. He was invited to quantify it if he could but he wast be able to, for he was lying.

Lie No.2

Another Excerpt from the same posting.

Mr Duke also claims that I have ignored the blatant thievery and malfeasance on the part of schools. Can you tell me, Mr Duke, where and in what ways Dr Cross and Yi were the subject of thievery and malfeasance? I dont see Dr Cross claiming that he had anything stolen from him nor was he the subject of any malfeasance on the part of the University. Quite the reverse in fact. It was the University who, although they may not have been stolen from by Dr Cross, were certainly put to trouble and expense by his arrogant and illegal activities,

Yi was not stolen from either and has yet to provide any significant details to support what is an unfounded accusation. Until more information comes to light if it does he has no grounds to accuse his employer of thievery and malfeasance either.

Lies No 3 and 4

Excerpts from same posting

He posed the following question

The one thing he DOESN'T tell us is why he expends so much effort on this campaign to exonerate the schools and make all of us look bad

Then he proceeded to supply the following answers, both of which are untrue and therefore lies.

I can think of only 2 possibilities

1) He's trying to ingratiate himself, at the expense of all of us, with some group of school owners or education administrators. Boo, hiss!

Who might they be, Mr Duke, or is this one of your attempts to claim that when anyone puts up a strong argument, they are acting in some organised way with unspecified other parties?

2)(and my money's on this one) He's ego-fluffing. By making all of us look stupid and superficial and a bit dodgy, he must be better than all of us, right?

Wrong! Youve lost your money! I dont need to fluff my ego and I ask again, as I was brought into the forum, how can you claim that I came here to fluff up my ego in trying to impress you?

Lie No.5

Excerpt from

All in how ya see it...

Posted By: Raoul Duke
Date: 26 July 2006

He said:

Oh, yes...it's claimed that this school confiscated Dr. Cross's belongings for some months,

Who claimed that? What is claimed is that they kept his belongings for three months. The word confiscated is yours and is a further example of your insistence on surreptitiously changing things to suit your own views.. We have only one posting from Dr Cross and even he does not claim his things were confiscated. Read it and youll see he used the term kept. Thus the word confiscated has been introduced by you

Dr Crosss ex-colleague, Yingwen Laoshi, also said that the university kept Dr Crosss belongings for three months though he went on to say that he felt that was illegal. But he also failed to say how the college might return Dr Crosss belongings when he had run away and was living in a series of undisclosed addresses.

In this situation the distinction between confiscation and kept is important. As you realised when you chose to change the word kept to confiscated. My belief is that Dr Cross ran away without the universitys knowledge and that he was unable to carry all his belongings with him. Thus he would have had to leave them behind, would he not? This is far removed from confiscation.
What would you have the university do with his things in that situation? Throw them away perhaps? And risk accusations of being vindictive? Or clear them out of his apartment to free it for his replacement and put them in a safe place and look after them? And risk being accused of confiscating them? Whatever they do in that situation youre there waiting to pounce.

Lie No.6

Excerpt from the same posting and the same sentence

(and) make a lot of pretty dire threats and so on,

what dire threats did the university make? Neither Dr Cross himself nor Yingwen Laoshi made any such claims.

Lie No.7

Excerpt from the same posting

If Dr. Cross is telling the truth, then the school's reaction seems way out of line.

Dr Cross simply left out that which he did not want to disclose. Neither did he actually claim or imply any of the things (confiscation of his belongings: a lot of pretty dire threats: and so on) that you have attributed to him. These things you say, were not part of the schools reaction either.

Lie No.8

Excerpt from same posting

Yi/Nanhai NeuSoft: I had a lot of problems to your treatment of this one. I actually wrote a review at the time, but my computer hiccupped and I lost it before I could post.

First of all, you responded to a pretty nasty situation by throwing the rulebook at the victim. You know as well as I do that most newbies don't bone up on the mysteries of Chinese visa laws before coming here. They don't know the environment and don't even realize that they need to do such defensive research.

Yi wasnt a newbie and never said he was. The reverse applies, for Yi said in a posting to me on the review board, that he had more experience of China than I did. Here are his words: Like several others I have a lot of teaching experience in China, (a lot more than you, John) So I am quite familiar with the things that go on. You missed that as well and so, chose to lie about it. His situation seems likely to be wrapped up in his visa status and his stated reason for visiting China. So far, Yi has said almost nothing to substantiate his accusation against the college.

Lie No.9

Excerpt from same posting

Secondly, you're using this failure to get information to distract the argument away from what it's claimed the school did, which was to lure over a bunch of teachers with contracts signed by both parties and then tell them "No work for you. Sod off."

There has been no information from Yi or anyone else as to whether the contract was signed at all, let alone by one or both parties. I asked Yi to confirm the signature status of his contract but he didnt answer. You say here that the contract was "signed by both parties but as you dont know this, youre deliberately telling lies again.

Lie No.10

Excerpt from same posting

Earthling, you're merely a troll; at least John actually has an opinion about something. All I have for you (Earthling) is the same obscene hand gesture I had for you last time you popped up in here. Not real intellectual, perhaps, but it gets the point across and it's better than you deserve. You're still a punk and I can still take you.

My God! How right you are in admitting this was not really intellectual. Not only are you a devoted liar but youre a loud, empty braggart into the bargain. Not name calling but a statement of fact preceded by two adjectives. I cite this example because it shows how Mr Duke will jump in and tell lies about a man who simply supported me.

Lie No.11

Excerpt from

Put me at the top of that list, please!

Posted By: Raoul Duke
Date: 30 July 2006

On the Reviews side you've gone round and round with some poor soul who took a job, had a mutually-signed contract in his hands,.

Where have you read that his contract was mutually signed? I have asked him to clarify this very point but he remained silent about it. I would think that if he had a mutually signed contract and for some really strange reason forgot to say so in his first complaint, he would jump at the opportunity to say so when asked about it later.

Lie No.12

Excerpt from the same posting and same sentence

got an L visa,

Here again you have no idea of the truth of this statement.

I presumed in my initial response to his complaint, that he might have travelled to China using an L Visa but I was later corrected by another of the party, a man named Adam, who claimed that Yi had travelled to China using an F visa, in the status of Guest Lecturer (Yet another fact you missed!)

I therefore posted Yi again on the issue of the invitation he would have needed to get an F visa and this opened up more issues that seemed to overturn Yis already weak case. These issues were explained to him loud and clear but you have chosen not to read them. Yis response was to turn hostile and he has not been heard of since. Youre lying in your assertion that he entered China using an L Visa because it has been revealed by his colleague that he used an F visa.

Lie No.13

Excerpt from the same posting and same sentence

and flew to China only to be told that he didn;t have a job after all. He keeps demonstrating that he had his ducks in a row at least as far as he knew he needed,.

He demonstrates nothing of the kind, for he has gone silent. But before he went silent he also demonstrated nothing. He merely made unfounded accusations against the college and three of its staff. He concealed virtually all the substantiating information and required that we all believe him implicitly in his attempt to smear the college. Far from having his ducks in a row there were no ducks to be seen. When people make serious accusations, they must be in a position to substantiate them with supporting information. If and when they refuse to provide such information and become hostile when pressed for it, It is most probable that their accusations are suspicious. In this case you seek to make out that the man, Yi, has a sound and justifiable case (ducks in a row etc) but he has not so far said anything much to support it and he has no ducks in a row either.


When you tangle with Mr Duke you quickly realise that he has his own agenda. He doesnt particularly conceal it either, when he says in his postings as follows:

(All in how ya see it..., dated 26th July) -

I don't think all schools in China are the enemy. Only MOST of them...the longer I'm here the more certain I become that you can count the upright jobs in China on your fingers.

(Speaking of grasping at straws... dated: 3 August 2006)

I got out of the school loop here because each and every school I worked at in China, over a fairly long career for an expat teacher, pulled something unfair or dishonest on me. ALL of them. The universities sold grades for bribes, and many other such things that I couldn't tolerate. The private schools all ripped me off for money and/or put me into unbearable environmental conditions (i.e. apartments that were rivers of roaches, even in the refrigerator) and/or played "Gotcha!" games with the contract.
So I got out. I'm steering my own boat now. If this doesn't work, I'm leaving for friendlier waters. But I hope it does...again, I love living in China as long as I'm not in a school.

From these two postings it seems that Mr Duke has a problem with Chinese schools in general. At best he says that upright jobs number not more than ten. I accept that this may be something of a figure of speech but his words underlie his evident belief.

His second posting is more extreme. He claims that each and every school he has worked at in China treated him badly or didnt match up to his expectations (e.g. selling grades for bribes). He even emphasizes this - (ALL of them) so we shall not mistake the totality of his claim.

I doubt that EVERY school he has worked for in his long career, ripped him off Here again it is more likely that he is speaking with some exaggeration. If, however, he HAS been treated in this way by EVERY school he has ever worked for, then maybe he has not taken as much care as he might have done in his choice of employers.

Whatever the truth is here, it is obvious that Mr Duke HAS had a lot of bad experience with schools in his past. So much so that he cannot see straight. This has come across so clearly in his postings, not only to me, but to others that I have seen in my occasional ramblings through the forum in general.

What I want to say in closing this is that Mr Dukes own words struck a genuinely poignant note in me when he said in his posting On Thin Ice! dated 30 July 2006.

The number of foreigners coming here has exploded in recent years and we are not the pampered, coveted rarity we once were. There are now so many foreigners here that schools don't have to be careful to keep one. Of course, the fact that many of these foreigners are fresh off the plane and don't really know what they're getting into is just fine with the schools.

I believe that Mr Dukes bitterness is due to his missing the good old days when he enjoyed being a big-shot and could get what he wanted quite easily. I believe he misses the care he says that schools then had to take so as to retain their foreign teachers. I think he misses being one of the "pampered, coveted rarity" that he once was among. Those words are his - not mine.

He sounds like a faded star who no longer can throw his weight around, so he does it here instead. He shouts down those of us who dare to differ from his views. He tells lies by manipulating words and inventing others.

Despite having said this, Mr Duke, I really do wish you well


[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:41 AM]

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