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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-28
Re British FT etiology

Kevin Rudd was a complete moron. There again so was Julia Gillard.

#2 Parent James Riley - 2016-06-28
Re British FT etiology

Brexit is one of the best things that could have happened. The start of Brits taking back what is rightfully theirs. Hopefully no more Muslim or Chinese immigrants, and much less pc nonsense. Now all we need is to see Trump elected as US president. Time to stick it to the arrogant and racist and uncultured/backward Chinese and Russians. In a leaked memo a few years ago Kevin Rudd suggested that Western armies should use military force to contain China if need be. I agree. It is time to put these people in their place. A "West First", "China Last" policy.

amused - 2016-06-27
British FT etiology

"Brexit is the result of a deep nihilism among the British public... an ideology of smallness, of contraction, of wanting to curl up in our own personal, financially secure hole and will everything amusing or interesting or exciting in the world away. You can see it in the looks that residents give you when they pass; sneering snobs glaring down their noses with entitlement; small-minded townies, bullying you with eyes that you recognize from the primary school lunchroom; the old people, 80 and above, wearing blank stares." - Tom Whyman, lecturer in philosophy at the University of Essex. NY Times,

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