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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-03
Re: Trump's money box

I also wonder at Amused and her turn of phrase 'putrid immolation', which I echoed in my reply in order to amuse her. She refers to pornography yet her feeble attempt to convince us she ate a thesaurus for supper leaves one a tad confused.
The word 'immolation' means to be consumed by fire, and as such has no relevance in her context.
If, like Turnip, English was her second language, then one may find forgiveness. But then again, Noah Webster has a lot to answer for because most Brits regard Americans as ESL anyway.....

After all, they can't even pronounce Aluminium correctly - haha.......

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-03
Re: Trump's money box

Of course she's not a bloke. I'm 100% convinced she is my ex-wife lol

#3 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-03
Re: Trump's money box

Are you sure Amused is not a bloke? Nothing wrong with him/her, only it could turn out embarrassing. He could be another poster on this site, expressing alternative views?

Back to big city.Fed up with restaurant food,fed up with the heat.Fed up with wife telling me how much beer I can't drink.

#4 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-03
Re: Trump's money box

Pornography disturbs us not by its lurid content, but by the recognition that there are
individuals, perhaps now besides us on the bus, who hunger secretly to engage in such

Pornography disturbs dried-up old spinsters who worry that the person sitting next to them on the bus is going to open his raincoat.

Pornography takes various forms - some legal, others are not.

Go and have a nice little wander around the streets of Rome; look at the artistic statues and buildings; admire them for what they are instead of regarding them as the putrid immolation of an ancient culture.

#5 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-02
Re: Trump's money box

Pornography disturbs us not by its lurid content, but by the recognition that there are individuals, perhaps now besides us on the bus, who hunger secretly to engage in such behavior.
uing the point
No doubt human detritus have a gravitation pull toward their own putrid immolation.

But aiding and abetting in their descent, leering over the porcelain forum, incognito, godlike, that is truly chilling.

I doubt if most regular forum posters are as weird as you imagine- How did you come up with pornography? No it's all good healthy arguing the point. The human detritus I had in mind were bits of wood and stuff.

#6 Parent amused - 2016-07-02
Re: Trump's money box

Pornography disturbs us not by its lurid content, but by the recognition that there are individuals, perhaps now besides us on the bus, who hunger secretly to engage in such behavior.

No doubt human detritus have a gravitation pull toward their own putrid immolation.

But aiding and abetting in their descent, leering over the porcelain forum, incognito, godlike, that is truly chilling.

#7 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-02
Re: Trump's money box

Just you take heed on that uncertain surface; peering down, leering at unsuspecting detritus as it bobs up and down perilously close to a raging sinkhole. The detritus wants to be sucked in, you know that! Best you retire to safety and see to your own business. Hahaha, all that was total nonsense deemed suitable to your own mysterious reply .

#8 Parent amused - 2016-07-01
Re: Trump's money box

a special breed, the cream, able to attract Chinese
wives, settle down in China and slum it on 6ml cans of Tsingtao at 1p a shot, to wash
down pork dumplings with bluebottles at 2p a bowl

This sediment cream seems to eagerly circle the bowl as you toy with them and flush.

#9 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-01
Re: Trump's money box

    Nope, not exactly true imo.

Christ Alive, I am sure you've noticed that a stem-verb, or word(?) has re-emerged 'To Beach.' One thing is true, although I am not a deecher, beacher, leecher, lecher, or lecherous deecher, or indeed a pure as the driven snow teacher, it has become apparent that there's two kinds of Westerner who venture to Asia, one type, the majority, that comes and survives a few years teaching or deeching in China, returns to the west. And then you get a small minority, a special breed, the cream, able to attract Chinese wives, settle down in China and slum it on 6ml cans of Tsingtao at 1p a shot, to wash down pork dumplings with bluebottles at 2p a bowl. Sadly I am not a proper teacher but I do aspire to honourary cream on the strength of having a Chinese wife and living in China.

#10 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-01
Re: Trump's money box

'Deecher' sums it up nicely.

An ex-kindergarten deecher was employed at our school for a very short time. Although well-versed in kindy teaching, he was way out of his depth in a high school. Upon leaving, he wrote the following message to our boss in our small group chat.

"I haven't been payed. You have no write to whithold my sallary. You are a lier."

He has now quit deeching and gone back to his home country where I am sure he is qualified enough to get a job sweeping the streets, or picking up litter.

#11 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-01
Re: Trump's money box

Nope, not exactly true imo.

'Deechers' can be found 'deeching' in all kinds of educational establishments. However, though there is no doubt that that scourge of EFL teaching is most prevalent at training centers, it also affects kindergartens, private schools and universities, and state-run educational establishments. Private schools and kindergartens have the most 'deechers' after training centers. There are also 'deechers' working in significant numbers for elementary schools, junior high schools, second-rate senior hign schools, and lowly colleges and universities, whose students are quite easily duped.

My definition/suggested meaning of a 'deecher' is a phoney teacher - one who's unqualified and/or unable to teach adequately due to a bad accent or a low level of the English language.

'Deecher' is a word invented by Turnoi. It might well have a different meaning in his eyes to my suggested meaning.

Sorry Former FT, above was written by you; although I would have been proud to have written it I must have made a mistake and claimed it for myself.

Deecher is an interesting word invented by Turnoi is the only thing I can think about saying at the moment.

#12 Parent NoImChompSki - 2016-06-30
Re: Trump's money box

My definition/suggested meaning of a 'deecher' is a phoney teacher - one who's unqualified
and/or unable to teach adequately due to a bad accent or a low level of the English

The parody becomes more sensible if its a thick accent. Someone like Turnoi who speaks English as a second language and with a thick accent. Pronouncing the 'T' as a 'D' sound is famous with Indians but could also apply to Turnoi and other Eastern Europeans though it might be more like 'Daecher'. "He iz-za Daecher". An Indian would be closest to 'Deecher'.

So if his idea was to parody accents then that can work but still only mocks certain groups who are prone to 'Dee-cher'. A Frenchman might say something more like 'Tai-sher' and so 'Deecher' isn't going to mock or parody them.

Okay, but here's the problem. Okay 'Deecher' could be a laugh at an inadequate pronunciation (such as Turnoi has or Indians) BUT that doesn't tell us about their teaching skills, their competence, their skill levels in any other area. Indeed, some brilliant English teachers can have an accent but otherwise be doing everything else right. Indeed a very popular English teacher here spoke with a South American Spanish accent. Something closer to 'Dee-cher' and would even use his accent as an example. Showing how he was prone to pronounce a word then (example) then getting himself and everyone to do a 'T' sound. Great!

So the parody term just doesn't work. It's almost like Turnoi is so stupid he once saw that little insider joke of 'Teecher' (indeed we would purposely spell it that way as a laugh). He then saw someone mocking an Indian English accent with the classic 'Deacher'. Turnoi, who is prone to 'not getting how stuff works' decided it would be TWICE AS DEADLY if he cleverly COMBINED the two parody ideas HAHAH ROFLMAOfffff!


It doesn't work like that.

Then it reminds me how he has heard the term 'Dancing Monkey' and is just smart enough to understand its some kind of 'insult' BUT he's dumb enough to use it properly, in context, where and to whom etc.

#13 Parent NoImChompSki - 2016-06-30
Re: Trump's money box


Deechers didn't get to the level of education where we learn about apostrophes. Its our deechers fault! He spoke Indian English with its tendency to say "Deecher!" hhaha so he didn't know its importance or rather how important it is. or isnt. Deechers hahahh I get it now!! :D :D :D :D

#14 Parent San Miguel - 2016-06-30
Re: Trump's money box

Nope, not exactly true imo.

'Deechers' can be found 'deeching' in all kinds of educational establishments. However, though there is no doubt that that scourge of EFL teaching is most prevalent at training centers, it also affects kindergartens, private schools and universities, and state-run educational establishments. Private schools and kindergartens have the most 'deechers' after training centers. There are also 'deechers' working in significant numbers for elementary schools, junior high schools, second-rate senior hign schools, and lowly colleges and universities, whose students are quite easily duped.

My definition/suggested meaning of a 'deecher' is a phoney teacher - one who's unqualified and/or unable to teach adequately due to a bad accent or a low level of the English language.

'Deecher' is a word invented by Turnoi. It might well have a different meaning in his eyes to my suggested meaning.

Double nope and no disrespect to Turnoi but I think 'deecher' came from 'beacher' and that was the name given to useless fake teachers about 15 years ago in my prime. These beachers were so bad that they felt it safer to never changed jobs and used to beach themselves (like whales) at one school for many years.

The fact remains that GWs are Turnoi's spin-off of Beachers, deechers. Cheers SM.

#15 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-30
Re: Trump's money box

Nope, not exactly true imo.

'Deechers' can be found 'deeching' in all kinds of educational establishments. However, though there is no doubt that that scourge of EFL teaching is most prevalent at training centers, it also affects kindergartens, private schools and universities, and state-run educational establishments. Private schools and kindergartens have the most 'deechers' after training centers. There are also 'deechers' working in significant numbers for elementary schools, junior high schools, second-rate senior hign schools, and lowly colleges and universities, whose students are quite easily duped.

My definition/suggested meaning of a 'deecher' is a phoney teacher - one who's unqualified and/or unable to teach adequately due to a bad accent or a low level of the English language.

'Deecher' is a word invented by Turnoi. It might well have a different meaning in his eyes to my suggested meaning.

#16 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-06-30
Re: Trump's money box

All deechers are training centre GW's. Just saying.
Cheers and beers.SM.

Nope, not exactly true imo.

'Deechers' can be found 'deeching' in all kinds of educational establishments. However, though there is no doubt that that scourge of EFL teaching is most prevalent at training centers, it also affects kindergartens, private schools and universities, and state-run educational establishments. Private schools and kindergartens have the most 'deechers' after training centers. There are also 'deechers' working in significant numbers for elementary schools, junior high schools, second-rate senior hign schools, and lowly colleges and universities, whose students are quite easily duped.

My definition/suggested meaning of a 'deecher' is a phoney teacher - one who's unqualified and/or unable to teach adequately due to a bad accent or a low level of the English language.

'Deecher' is a word invented by Turnoi. It might well have a different meaning in his eyes to my suggested meaning.

#17 Parent San Miguel - 2016-06-29
Re: Trump's money box

All deechers are training centre GW's. Just saying.
Cheers and beers.SM.

#18 Parent Mankell - 2016-06-29
Re: Trump's money box

You write like a deecher!!!!!!!!!!!

Its the maximum stink power.
#19 Parent NoImChompSki - 2016-06-29
Re: Trump's money box

Its the maximum stink power.

#20 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-06-29
Re: Trump's money box

We can all miss out a word.

Deceptive expression that.Does it suggest heaven is high (elevation)or heaven stinks, because high can mean it's really gone off and stinks? EG that fish is a bit high, dont eat it.

#21 Parent GuptaDaDeecher - 2016-06-28
Re: Trump's money box

High Heaven.

It stinks to high heaven. not 'stinks to heaven'. Even Indian 'deechers' know this.

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