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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-08
Re China

"And since the new rules state that the degree MUST be verified in the country of origin, how
exactly do you plan on getting a fake degree verified?

And just as an aside, I am always wondering what disastrous choices people have managed to
make in their lives that teaching illegally in a foreign country seems to be their only
employment option.


Please listen.

And as another aside, I am wondering why America is such a disastrous developed country for so many of its impoverished citizens? I can appreciate why some Americans prefer to teach illegally in China to remaining in America in poverty or relative poverty.

As I've said before, there have been laws introduced, but is there rule of law country-wide? We will see. I don't think you need to get riled about that poster, unless you're a Chinese. China ain't the States, after all!

Let me wish that poster the best of luck in the future. Finally, I advise everyone to follow the visa regulations.

#2 Parent Connie - 2016-07-08
Re China


Agency -- Beijing
By:ForeignerHR <710683745@qq.com>

Date: 8 July 2016

Are you tired of your current life and thinking about a change?Are you the one of several people as below?
(1)Who want to complete your studies but due to the expensive tuition and shortage of funds so cannot afford that
(2)Who like traveling China but cannot afford the expenses
(3)Who have less job opportunities in your own country and feel a heavy burden so want to change the current situation or who want to advance your career and challenge a new one

If you are the one of several people above,do not hesitate to contact us.ForeignerHR will help you realize all your dreams.ForeignerHR was founded in 2005 in Beijing and we offer a variety of high quality services to those who want to settle in China and enjoy a comfortable life and start a new teaching career.
All applications are welcome and all resumes are read.NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY AND NO DEGREE REQUIRED.

***** Well-paid English teachers for kindergartens and training schools wanted in Beijing******
√ Location:Downtown of Beijing nearby the subway
√ Contract duration:Flexiable but at least 6 months
√ Class size and age group:8 to 10 students class and from 3 to 12
√ Start date:Any time
√ Working schedule:kindergarten From Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm.Training school from Wednesday to Friday 1pm to 9pm and 10am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday.40 working hours per week,includes maximum 20 to 25 teaching hours,other time is office time.
√Requirements:No need you have degree or TEFL or TOSEL certificates or any experience as long as you have a good personality and love teaching

√Very competitive salary RMB from 8000 to 13000 based on qualification(Which is about 1500 to 2000 Dollars) ,with accommodation compensation.The consumption in China is much lower.Normal Chinese people can earn 2000 per month so this is definitely a very big salary for you.
Work visa provided even if you dont have degree or TEFL or TOSEL
√ Airport pick up upon arrival
√ Paid Chinese national holidays which in total 25 days per year
√ Airfare bonus (6000RMB annual when one year contract ended)
√ TOSEL certificates and working reference letter provided when contract ended for free
√Provide teaching plan for every lesson and have one bilingual assistant
√ Re-sign bonus
√ On-going training

3:Please send the following documents to us to apply:
√ Resume
√ Recent photo
√ A copy of your passport

√ Email address:710683745@qq.com
√ Tel:+8618201268793

"And since the new rules state that the degree MUST be verified in the country of origin, how
exactly do you plan on getting a fake degree verified?

There seems to be a major discrepancy... LOL!!!

#3 Parent Reilly - 2016-07-08
Re China

And since the new rules state that the degree MUST be verified in the country of origin, how exactly do you plan on getting a fake degree verified?

And just as an aside, I am always wondering what disastrous choices people have managed to make in their lives that teaching illegally in a foreign country seems to be their only employment option.

#4 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-07
Re China

They should come down heavily on fake degrees. But I understand that you can get fake verification for the price of a carton of fags. Maybe the doctor prints them out in his undisclosed European location? Good cover , sits up all night in shorts with funny hat playing his organ down some iffy beer Keller.

#5 Parent Mike Milken - 2016-07-07
Re China

Never ever heard of any Chinese university verifying a degree, certainly not any training school, don't make me laugh! There is no "new rule". As for Korea, Thailand, Japan, yes, they do, a fake document should not be used in those places.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-07
Re China

Yes they do. New rules state that all degrees need to be verified in the country of issue.

How do you propose getting around that when using a fake degree?

#7 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-06
Re China

Good advice and we need recruiters to pick up on his cv, don't you think?

Absolutely! You're a clever blokw!

Recruiters introduce FTs to Chinese schools, colleges, training centers, kindergartens and universities. Such workplaces run the risk of being heavily fined if they accept bogus teachers, aka 'deechers' either as direct hires or via agents/recruiters.

This board is a website that carries ads placed by recruiters and agents, as does Daves ESL Cafe and other websites. The recruiters advertising on ESLTB are classified as 'profiled', or simply recruiters. This is very good.

It would appear that recruiters and agents are busy supplying Chinese employers with FTs. Nought wrong with that!

#8 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-06
Re China

Good advice and we need recruiters to pick up on his cv, don't you think?

#9 Parent Mike Milken - 2016-07-06
Re China

Just get a fake degree. [edited][edited][edited] You can find somewhere better than China, but if you really want to go there the forged degree is the way to go. Nobody checks, nobody cares.

#10 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-05
Re China

From my understanding that you now need a Degree to teach in China, I have a two year degree
from an University is there way that I can get a teaching job with a two year degree?


Post your resume, and await replies!

martypoland@yahoo.com - 2016-07-05

From my understanding that you now need a Degree to teach in China, I have a two year degree from an University is there way that I can get a teaching job with a two year degree?


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