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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-07
Re jobs via recruiters, due diligence is a must!

If you do not have an apostilled 4 year degree from one of the approved English speaking countries, EFL certification from an
approved school or two years work experience and a valid Z visa in hand...........

Wrong, a 3 year degree from a UK university will suffice.

Whether people from all over the world come to China or not to teach does not concern me. I'm in China with an RP of the non-working variety. I ain't working, so I'm above board, as it were. I ain't seeking employment.

All I will say re recruiters and agents is they shouldn't all be tarred with the same brush. Of course, some will be dishonest. Due diligence should be exercised by each jobseeker. There are also dishonest direct-hire educational establishments in China, as well as dishonest recruiters and agents.

We all know that rule of law in China hasn't been a given. How is it you can state with total certainty that things have changed in this respect? You do not represent the Chinese government.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-07
Re recruiter ruse

You and 'PhD' and Odd BJ and Paul Fox are recent anomalies: 'FTs' who are supportive of
recruiters and agencies.

I didn't say I supported them. I said that SOME recruiters are professional and should not all be tarred with the same brush. As with training centres, it's the majority of them that get the bad name for all of them.

My advice would be to only consider using an agent/recruiter who has been recommended to you by someone you trust.

Choosing one from this, or any other board, is asking for trouble.

#3 Parent amused - 2016-07-07
Re recruiter ruse

Anyone considering accepting a position in China can simply search the term 'recruiter' or 'agency' on this forum and read the postings. Searching the agency name may not work since they often change their company names.

You and 'PhD' and Odd BJ and Paul Fox are recent anomalies: 'FTs' who are supportive of recruiters and agencies.

Not surprisingly your appearance on this board coincides with the crackdown on illegal FTs that is now occurring throughout China.

If you do not have an apostilled 4 year degree from one of the approved English speaking countries, EFL certification from an
approved school or two years work experience and a valid Z visa in hand
...no matter what a recruiter says to you: DO NOT COME TO TEACH IN CHINA
#4 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-06
Re recruiter ruse

For the first time China is actually enforcing basic requirements IN EVERY PROVINCE. The result is that institutions nation-wide are having an impossible time acquiring an adequate number of qualified teachers for the coming Fall semester.

Every province, but not in any autonomous regions nor special admimistrative regions, such as Chongqing and Shanghai? Flawed, and in any case we only have your word for this! No reason to trust what you say!

Legitimate public universities and high schools will make do with less FTs and shift the work load to Chinese teachers of English

Does China have any illegitimate public universities and high schools? Please name them. What about public colleges? You haven't mentioned them!

But private language schools need white faces for parents. Their only solution is to pay recruiters to provide employees that will work illegally. Recruiters will assure you that you are legally employed, but when you arrive in China the police will fail to approve your FEC and residence permit because you do not have an apostilled 4 year degree from one of the approved English speaking countries, EFL certification from an approved school or two years work experience and a valid Z visa in hand.

Blah, blah, blah! Such private schools can also recruit direct, and can find foreigners who have all the right boxes ticked! Not that I would want to teach for any such school, but that's just me!

DO NOT accept the advice of recruiters and DO NOT trust advice from posters on this forum that misrepresent themselves as foreign teachers in China.

For all we know you could be a poster on this forum who misrepresents himself/herself as a foreign teacher in China!

amused - 2016-07-06
recruiter ruse

Several 'contributors' to this forum are apparently recruiters themselves or shills for private language schools hoping to lure FTs to China with inadequate credentials.

Why would they do that?

For the first time China is actually enforcing basic requirements IN EVERY PROVINCE. The result is that institutions nation-wide are having an impossible time acquiring an adequate number of qualified teachers for the coming Fall semester.

Legitimate public universities and high schools will make do with less FTs and shift the work load to Chinese teachers of English

But private language schools need white faces for parents. Their only solution is to pay recruiters to provide employees that will work illegally. Recruiters will assure you that you are legally employed, but when you arrive in China the police will fail to approve your FEC and residence permit because you do not have an apostilled 4 year degree from one of the approved English speaking countries, EFL certification from an approved school or two years work experience and a valid Z visa in hand.

At this point, broke and in China, the recruiter has a solution which generates a fee for him, a white face for his complicit client and puts you at daily risk of fines, incarceration and deportation: working illegally.

DO NOT accept the advice of recruiters and DO NOT trust advice from posters on this forum that misrepresent themselves as foreign teachers in China.

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