Return to Index › Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons
#1 Parent amused - 2016-07-10
Re Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

Put your significant other to work online acquiring a list of universities, colleges and top level high schools in the district of Beijing where you will live. Have her compile the FAO department email addresses from online data or by calling the schools. Tell her not to stop until she has more than 50.
With a brief cover letter in English and Chinese (translated by your girl), email your resume to each of the schools ASAP. You are applying late; but many schools are understaffed and desperate.
In the meantime get busy locally apostillizing your degree and acquiring your non-criminal record from the local police.
You will receive a handful of offers from the emails you send. Compare them.
If any recruiters contact you, tell them you would rather stick a sharpened #2 pencil in your eyeball than do business with a Chinese recruiter.
Do not get on a plane without a Z visa in hand.

#2 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-10
Re Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

Well, how about this strategy?

Accept a post that pays flight reimbursement. Then purchase a return air ticket, business
class, to your homeland. Present the ticket to the employer. Accept reimbursement, maybe
16,000 RMB or more. The more expensive the ticket the better. Later cancel the ticket
and get money back. Perhaps you should take out flight insurance that covers you for
such cancellations in advance, or book with an airline that has low penalties for
cancellations, verging on 10-20 % for such cancellations. Remain in China and move on.

I know it's dishonest, but I think it's doable! You can make more money this way than by
accepting a flight allowance

Hey there, fleecer. I think you meant economy class. I'll forgive you for that error as I think your suggestion has potential!

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-10
Re Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

And the UK state pension paid to expats in China will be paid to you forever and anon at the initial amount when you claim it. It won't be increased in line with inflation for you, unless you are in Blighty or in foreign countries that have treaties for reciprocal arrangements. In effect, it'll be frozen.

The UK government were taken to the European Court of Human Rights in Brussels by a group of adversely affected expats as a class action.

Though the court found in favor of the complainants, it rejected the claim, preferring to accept the UK government's defense that there wasn't the money in the coffers available to cough up!

So, like me, I suggest you don't buy in to that pension fund to make up for the missing years during which you have taught abroad, as you'll be short-changed if you choose to retire and stay in China. Your Chinese spouse too, in particular circumstances.

#4 Parent fleecer - 2016-07-10
Re Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

And it is probably advisable that you accept a position that pays you flight allowance rather than flight reimbursement.

Well, how about this strategy?

Accept a post that pays flight reimbursement. Then purchase a return air ticket, business class, to your homeland. Present the ticket to the employer. Accept reimbursement, maybe 16,000 RMB or more. The more expensive the ticket the better. Later cancel the ticket and get money back. Perhaps you should take out flight insurance that covers you for such cancellations in advance, or book with an airline that has low penalties for cancellations, verging on 10-20 % for such cancellations. Remain in China and move on.

I know it's dishonest, but I think it's doable! You can make more money this way than by accepting a flight allowance.

#5 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-10
Re Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

My situation may be a little unique. In short I started dating a Chinese girl who came to Scotland for 3 months. She is back home now and I have just completed a 140 hour TEFL course to go over and start a new career+be with the woman I love!

So I'm really looking to go long term and settle down.

I dunno how you feel about Brexit. I guess the aftermath will be dire for the UK in the short term at the very least. 'Remainers' in Scotia must be feeling cheated by the result of the referendum. If I had ever wanted to return to Scotia from China, even just for a vacation, I'd have jettisoned that idea immediately on Brexit's win. Not that I had ever felt that homesick to have wanted to do so in recent years!

Whatever you do, don't enter the PRC without a Z visa. Accept only a public sector teaching post, necessarily as a direct-hire to maximise the benefits of your employment package.

#6 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-10
Re Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

Forgot to say that you should negotiate an 11 or a 12-month contract, even though you may not be paid salary after your teaching is over at the end of the 2017 summer term. And it is probably advisable that you accept a position that pays you flight allowance rather than flight reimbursement. Then you can occupy your free accommodation until you move on, were you thinking to do so. Much easier to transfer your RP to a new employer while in China than from Blighty.

You might be able to negotiate a full salary for the whole calendar year in the event of your employer asking you to stay on and you agreeing to do so. Remember you'll still have your flight allowance to spend in addition to the summer vacation salary payments if you choose to extend your contract.

Finally, there's a problem accessing gmail in parts of China due to the google search engine being blocked. I advise you to change your e-mail address to Yahoo. com, for example, to avoid that problem ! Where I am located, google won't work!

Robert Grant - 2016-07-09
Advice needed for 1st time teacher in Beijing going for career+personal reasons

Hi, I just found this website and hope some of you may be able to assist me.

My situation may be a little unique. In short I started dating a Chinese girl who came to Scotland for 3 months. She is back home now and I have just completed a 140 hour TEFL course to go over and start a new career+be with the woman I love!

So I'm really looking to go long term and settle down.

I have started looking for jobs the last few days and it's a little daunting to be honest, where to begin, who is reputable etc.

So far I have sent some emails about several jobs listed on tefl.org.uk as that is the site I used for my qualification. I have had some swift replies asking for my cv, skype details etc but I'm not sure who or where they are exactly. I have also had a quick browse of dave's eslcafe and when I search for Beijing 214 results come up which could take a while to sift through!

In your honest opinions what kind of jobs should I be going for and am I right in avoiding companies like English First, Meten, Language Link, Disney English etc?

Any help/feedback would be really appreciated.

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