Return to Index › About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education
#1 Parent OC - 2016-07-12
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Bruce Lee-give me your email address as soon as possible. Worlda is a corrupt agency that purposely scams foreign teachers. They don't have the correct licenses to send teachers to certain schools in certain cities and the police will be involved very soon!!!!!!!!!

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-12
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

As Amused pointed out so eloquently, words that serve as a warning to others are far from meaningless.

However, one of us is a fool and most of us here know that only fools work for Worlda.

Ah, but you don't work for them, do you? Which makes one wonder why you defend them with such voracity?

You also said

Nobody invite you work for worlda or other schools or even work in
China !
...and you know that....how?

You also said

just as not an American whose name Paul Fox is a bad apple.
Why would you think I am American when I have stated quite clearly, (on several occasions), that I am a British person who migrated to Australia 15 years ago. I also consider myself to be extremely fortunate in that I have dual nationality and 2 passports.

Finally, your remark -

if you don't like it, don't touch it
- perfectly correct. We don't like Worlda, we won't touch Worlda and what's more, we will all do everything in our power to make sure that new ESL teachers coming to China are made fully aware of what Worlda is.

The likes of Worlda, EF, Disney, Meten, etc etc etc, are a disgrace to the ESL industry, (if I dare call it an industry), and should be avoided at all costs.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-12
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

I have a large number interviews to deal with and
may lost somebody who didn't get the offer.

Of course, it's that time of year again isn't it? Don't worry about having to attend a large number of interviews though, I'm sure that even someone with a reputation such as yours would eventually find employment.

Just be positive. Someone will hire you, eventually.

#4 Parent amused - 2016-07-12
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

if you don't like it, don't touch it

Human beings survived because they learned: if you don't like it, don't touch it, and warn other people about it.
It's not necessary for everyone to experience being bitten by a snake, or work for GTE/Worlda, if we warn each other about vipers.

#5 Parent Bruce Lee - 2016-07-12
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

@paul fox Cause you spend your time saying such meaningless words. If you don't like Guangzhou worlda, or Nanjing Worlda, Wuxi worlda....or other worldas in China. You just keep them away ! Nobody invite you work for worlda or other schools or even work in China ! That's your choice where to work ! There are many worlda schools in China work for our company, and many foreigners work in those schools, so what ? not each worlda school all bad, just as not an American whose name Paul Fox is a bad apple. They earn higher salary and get free housing, even you stop working for the school, they won't listen. So don't waste my time here, cause I don't know who you are, I won't waste of time to argue with an unfamiliar guy. Stop doing such boring things here. I can't understand what you guys thinking about, remember, if you don't like it, don't touch it ! Without human beings , earth still moving on.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-11
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

@Bruce Lee. Just for the purposes of this reply, I will afford you a little more respect than perhaps Turnoi would.

Let me ask you one question? Why do you persist in this charade?

You could live to be older than a Chinese Thousand-Year-Old-Egg and you would NEVER convince any of us that you are not affiliated to Worlda.

I afford you the respect just in case you are NOT affiliated to Worlda, but even if you say you are not, we won't believe you!

I therefore respectfully suggest that you heed the advice given by Turnoi and go take a hike.

What part of the following sentence don't you understand? 'You are wasting your time trying to convince us that you are not connected/affiliated to Worlda.'

It has been demonstrated time and time again that Guangzhou Worlda is lower than pond-life. The reputation they have would not change even if Xi Jinping became the CEO.

Stop wasting your time, and ours!

#7 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-11
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

OK, I see. Cause I am not always searching this website so didn't reply it on time.

I think you just say something what you want, actually, I don't know why S knight draged me into Guangzhou Worlda, btw , I want to know why they dislike Guangzhou Worlda so much either.

For my English name, ( Bruce Lee), which was made by my English teacher when I was a child, the name stand for a spirit "never say die“ ”never give up " ! I still do myself and unecessary impress people !

Don't doubt my English ability, I know I can't do it as well as a native English speaker, cause I am a Chinese ! Just like a foreigner who study 10 years Mandarin but still cannot do it as well as a native Chinese speaker.

#8 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-11
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Sorry Paul, I research the message and I think I misunderstood your words :D

#9 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

@paul fox Before you want post your words to comment somebody, could you do some research
first ? Do you mind people give you a nickname
as the car " Fox " or the animal " Fox " before they don't know who you
are and what do you do ? It is so funny ! Can you chage your name as " Old fox
" but not " Paul fox" ? so don't give other people nickname as a bad
reputation optionally, no good for you !

OP. Please elaborate. I have no idea what you are referring to....

#10 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Oh, I see. You are referring to a post I made a month ago. How efficient!
I don't need to do any further research on GuangzhouWorldaScum. As for my name, it's real. I don't need to hide behind the name of a famous actor, (Bruce Lee), in order to try to depress people - (oh sorry, 'impress').

I submit that your business methodology is on par with your English ability.

#11 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

@paul fox Before you want post your words to comment somebody, could you do some research first ? Do you mind people give you a nickname
as the car " Fox " or the animal " Fox " before they don't know who you are and what do you do ? It is so funny ! Can you chage your name as " Old fox " but not " Paul fox" ? so don't give other people nickname as a bad reputation optionally, no good for you !

#12 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Sorry if I didn't reply to you on time, as I have a large number interviews to deal with and may lost somebody who didn't get the offer.

#13 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

For more information about Bruce, please check Bruce' Profile | LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-lee-703881a7?trk=hp-identity-name

#14 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

You can search more info about Bruce http://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-lee-703881a7?trk=hp-identity-name

Good luck

#15 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-07-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

It seems that you have a bad relationship with "Guangzhou Worlda " , and I feel sorry about that, but that's non of my business cause firstly , we helped over 200 international teachers successful found jobs in China in the past years and we charged them for free ! However, we didn't introduce anybody work in Guangzhou Worlda before. In addition, I don't think everybody can satisfy with their employer even their hosting school very nice. We have some partner schools borrowed money and even purchased tickets to help international teachers came China, but so many of them only stayed for a couple of days then leave, cause they already found another school with better salary before they were arrival.

I hope every international teacher can find a good job in China and feel happy with your life and work here ! And I also glad to help those international friends who need job, but I can't bare that I do a lot for others, finally I was misunderstood and in a bad reputation !

If anyone who want to know me and what I do, you can check http://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-lee-703881a7?trk=hp-identity-name for more info !

Or add my WeChat bruce_lee0805 / Skype bruce.lee0805, I would be happy to answer your questions anytime !

#16 Parent Guangzhou Worlda Scam - 2016-07-03
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education


If you are in any way associated with Guangzhou Worlda, the reputation of your business is bound to crash and burn. That's the risk any business person needs to consider when making partnerships without seriously screening associates for quality and legality. Trying to defend such a company and it's crimes against the foreign teacher community will do much more damage to you and your organization than anything else.

That being said, while "Bruce Lee" is a name suitable for posting on online forums, when doing legal transactions in business, I would make sure you are providing your real name and Chinese ID to those you are doing business with (and I recommend that potential teachers demand such information before making any job considerations).

I have no problem with legitimate organizations that are straightforward, honest and conduct their businesses in a legal matter nor do I have any problem with China in general. I do have a problem with liars, cheaters, thieves and criminals. If you want to differentiate yourself from the latter group, I recommend you re-evaluate the companies you endorse.

This post is readily accessible and hardly "at your back". In fact, it seems you found it and replied to it without undue difficulty.

-S. Knight

#17 Parent GTEChina-ESL - 2016-06-30
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Hi S Knight, I don't know why you say such ill words like our organization is " scam company " , I don't know who you are but please stop doing such meanningless things here if you are not a qualified teachers cannot find jobs or you didn't catch a good job in China ! We helped over a hundred of international teachers work in China every year, they are all feel very comfortable for the job. In addition, we work with over 400 partner schools across of China, all keep good relationship so far. Maybe you have an unluky cooperation with Guangzhou Worlda School, but it is impossible for every employee feel comfortable with their hosting school. So if you feel uncomfortable with the school or China, please just leave ! If I helped you for a job before, you could choose it or give it up, that 's your right , but please don't say such bad words at the back any more !

#18 Parent Guangzhou Worlda Scam - 2016-06-11
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Suggestion....Why don't you change your name to GuangzhouWorldaScum?

Just has a certain 'je ne sais quoi', don't you think, LOL

Hahaha. Too bad I can't edit the site names. If I start a new site, that one sounds pretty fitting :D

#19 Parent paul fox - 2016-06-11
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Suggestion....Why don't you change your name to GuangzhouWorldaScum?

Just has a certain 'je ne sais quoi', don't you think, LOL

#20 Parent GuangzhouWorldaScam - 2016-06-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

I cannot confirm the Bruce Lee you are in touch with is the same Bruce Lee that has been known to recruit for the scam organization that this forum is all too familiar with, Guangzhou Worlda Cultural and Educational Consulting Services, Ltd. However, I would be very cautious in case it is. As others have mentioned here, make sure the role of the agent is limited to introducing you to the school you will sign directly with. If the interviewing organization you are put in touch with does not list the specific school you will be teaching in (as they are essentially another agency), then you should continue your search elsewhere.

Best of luck in finding a safe and enjoyable job in China.

-S. Knight

#21 Parent Dedicated teacher - 2016-06-10
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

And so everyone had an interview with Bruce but no one came back and say what happened. So we still do not have an answer.

#22 Parent Bruce - 2016-01-20
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Hi there, it is my first time visting here and I am very glad to reply all of your questions. If you know martial arts star " Bruce Lee" , I think you should easily remember my name " Bruce Lee" from Global Tour Education. We are an organization based in Qingdao and has over 300 partner schools across of China. We provide a thousand of free job opportunities to international English teachers in China every year. But I need to make a declarant is we are not a hosting school, and won't be licenced by SAFEA.

#23 Parent Adam - 2016-01-20
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

I was just contacted by Bruce in response to my online resume.
I did a quick search and came across this thread.

1st of all: let me say it's a valid question that the OP raised, but....and I'm assuming here,....he just hasn't been exposed to the top 5% jobs.

I'm curious as to what these "too good be true" sounding offers were.

My last job was teaching Business.
22,000 per month after tax.
24 periods per week.
No office hours.
Nice 2 bedroom apartment provided free.
Free utilities and internet.
Vacation was unpaid.

"Too good to be true"????

Not really. Just perseverance, strong negotiation skills, and a bit of good luck.

I don't wish to offend anyone here but I find these comments laughable and just want to point out that the only fact stated here is that he provided very sweet looking contracts.

Please enlighten me if there's something I'm missing.

"I emailed SAFEA to check the legitimacy of some of these schools and they never replied".......SUSPICIOUS????.........Seriously???
1st of all it's a government department.....I would not expect a reply from the Australian equivalent in response to this question.
2nd.....It's China
I think in ANY country the onus is on you to check out an employer......and if there happens to be a free service for this in your country, I bet the service is stellar and lightning quick.

"He replied to my email with very poor grammar"......SUSPICIOUS!!!!........Again, SERIOUSLY???......He's Chinese....How long have you lived here?
And did you ever stop to think that he may have been replying on his mobile......IDK

I haven't read a single factual wrongdoing of Bruce.... only paranoid maybes.

Sure, if he actually screws someone over....let it be known to all.
But until then, maybe think about the potentially negative financial impact you're attributing to on a guy whose only factual points of concern are offering sweet deals and making some grammatical errors...... certainly crucify-able offences

#24 Parent applicant - 2015-09-04
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Hi, I am one of the teacher who had been interviewed by Mr.Lee...is their company legit?
Please , tell me more if you have further information about him. Since I already pass the interview and as of now he asks me to process all the papers needed.

thanks and good day!

#25 Parent Ruth - 2015-08-25
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Bruce seems like a legitimate recruiter. He found us some good jobs, but we ultimately decided not to go with him because we had too many personal troubles trying to get our legal work visas (due to problems of our own, unrelated to Bruce) and we did not want to go to China on tourist visas (because it's illegal). Overall he seemed pretty helpful, but always be sure to look into the schools yourself before accepting a job offer (as with all recruiters).

#26 Parent Ruth Martin - 2015-08-06
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

My boyfriend was contacted by Mr. Bruce Lee as well. He has already interviewed with him and I am scheduled to interview with him tomorrow. There is not much online about GTEChina which makes me suspicious. Although I looked up GTE's domain name and found that the website was at least created in Beijing, which is reassuring. I plan on asking a lot of questions during my interview tomorrow. Hopefully his answers will tell me a bit more about their legitimacy. My boyfriend has an interview with a nice sounding school now lined up, so I'll let you know how our interviews pan out. In the mean time I don't plan on giving out any overly personal information until I feel a bit more confident about the company.

#27 Parent Misty - 2015-08-02
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

I have had 2 job application offers and one interview organised by Mr Lee... I was interview by someone at New Channel International Education Group Limited. Www.tjxhd.cn ... am going to do more research but what should I do? Contract seems too good to be true.

#28 Parent Arej - 2015-08-02
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

I got a reply today, but it was very unprofessional and contained many grammatical errors... Suspicious.

#29 Parent Arej - 2015-07-31
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

I got the same message to... I asked him a few questions and he hasn't replied yet either

#30 Parent Applicant - 2015-07-26
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

We all know that Bruce Lee, the martial arts star, died some time ago. It's not unusual for ESL schools in East Asia to use the names of famous people or institutions. That alone does not prove it is a scam.

After posting here, I replied to the email invitation asking if their schools were licensed by the SAFEA to operate and they never replied. That is suspicious.

Thanks for your input.

This if FYI to any other teacher who may have been contacted.

#31 Parent Macarena - 2015-07-24
Re About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

This has to be a hoax, Bruce Lee is dead :b

Applicant - 2015-07-24
About offer in China - "Bruce Lee" with GTEChina or Global Tour Education

Has anyone heard of a Bruce Lee with GTEChina or Global Tour Education? He is inviting ESL teachers to apply for teaching positions in China.
The terms sound a little too good to be true, but they could be reputable. What do you think?

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