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#1 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-12
Re Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners

Aussies use a generic term for beer - piss. I know in the UK we say 'I was pissed last night', etc etc, but we don't usually use the word 'piss' as an adjective to describe beer.

It's used this way in Australia because most Aussie beer has even less taste that TsingTao, Snow or Harbin beer in China. It quite literally is....like piss!

You've been talking about real ale. That's something I miss a great deal. I remember a few years ago, I attended a beer festival in the UK. I remember asking for a pint of some kind of black beer, but I was told I could only buy a half-pint. Good job really because this stuff was so thick and creamy you almost had to chew it. A far cry from the pissy lager's we have to put up with today.....

#2 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-12
Re Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners

There is no need for the Chinese to water down the beer as they use more than usual anount of water anyway, in many beers. Personally I don't smoke but I don't mind fag smoke and maybe that comes of never been a smoker. You sound like a reformed character. As I said we live in China for cheap beer and smokes- or just one ofthose.

#3 Parent Tommy - 2016-07-12
Re Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners

You're genuinely concerned about 100ml of watered down Chinese beer? Sort your life out, lol.

If you're more concerned about how much beer you are getting, rather than what kind of beer you are getting; you're probably an alcoholic and you really need to seek medical help.

And cigarettes? Look at what they do to all those middle aged Chinese guys, it ain't pretty.

Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-09
Tsingtao. Cons expat pensioners

People in my trust book have informed me of a deception. Tsingtao sells for 3-5yuan. If you look at their advertising picture the bottle is chunky and contains 600mls. But if you are a retired FT you will most likely be short-changed with a skinnier bottle with only 500mls.of beer. The price of fags and beer is what encourages us to retire to China, but the Tsingtao outrage may be a slippery slope. Most bottles of Snow beer still contain 580mls so my Beijing friends who may be going to pay Tsingtao fat executives a visit suggest we switch to that beer for now.

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