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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-15
Re Bought a few things

Good account of reasons to avoid the fry-up. I will only have bacon once a week but price-wise it was only 9 yuan a pak. The bread was just 3 yuan a loaf. The main idea for the bacon and butter is for cookery flavours actually. Bacon added to spaghetti and tomato is good for a change from Chinese and not meant to replac.e it, jokes aside.

Being retired has given me loads of time to develop my cooking skills to some extent. I can cook chips, fry/boil eggs, cook mutton hotpot, cook noodles with anything and make toast from steamed bread.

So I can cook some dishes that are Chinese and some Western dishes too.

I'm trying hard to diet, so I tend to avoid fried stuff. Also I am cautious about eating too much meat. When I cook mutton hotpot, I'll consume only 10 -15 pieces of rolled mutton with 8 boiled potato pieces during an average meal.

Rolled mutton costs 28 RMB/500 GRAMS here. That will last me 4 home-cooked meals. It's quality red meat and tastes great with chillis.

In North China you can buy beanzi or baidzi, which you can eat to replace steamed bread for a change. The Muslim one is about 10 or 11 inches long and 4 or 5 inches wide, and thin enough to place in a toaster. Not sweet and something akin to Indian nan bread, 2RMB each.

#2 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-15
Re Bought a few things

Good account of reasons to avoid the fry-up. I will only have bacon once a week but price-wise it was only 9 yuan a pak. The bread was just 3 yuan a loaf. The main idea for the bacon and butter is for cookery flavours actually. Bacon added to spaghetti and tomato is good for a change from Chinese and not meant to replac.e it, jokes aside.

#3 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-15
Re Bought a few things

Looks like you are cooking fried bacon! Much healthier grilling it, but in China there aren't
many grill ovens.

I spent a whopping RMB199 on an oven (RT Mart). It has an element at the top and one at the bottom so it can be used for baking, grilling or just general cooking by using both elements at the same time. It's also big enough to cook a whole turkey!

There's nothing wrong with fried bacon if you use a little butter and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil or any other good quality oil. It's the cheap oil that causes the problems.

#4 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-15
Re Bought a few things

Looks like you are cooking fried bacon! Much healthier grilling it, but in China there aren't many grill ovens.

Back in Blighty, I used to work for a brewery. Employees were offered cheap hols at 'selected' brewery hotels. They were small hotels short of overnight patrons. One such hotel cooked bacon, eggs and sausage each morning for my 'British' wife, at that time, and me. Food and accomo were 1/2 price, but not alc. beverages. However, every morning after breakfast, I was uncomfortable with heartburn. That was before I came to China, between '87 and '91'. I checked out what was happening in the kitchen - the cook was frying up in a frying pan.

Also had a bad experience following a visit to the company canteen. One morning, bacon and eggs there, north of Hadrian's Wall. Then by car to 'Toon'. Briefed warehousemen how to control GKN pallets. Drank a few pints of Newcie Brown lunchtime with a bar lunch. Stomach still felt uncomfortable. Drove back home, had to stop the car on the verge near Arthur's Seat to boke! Didn't report it, as I was a company man at that time!

PS - I can remember the name of that hotel, Durward Hotel, near Ayr, in Prestwick.

#5 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-15
Re Bought a few things

No save one one loaf I popped them in freezer. They won't be at their best when they reemerge bu 5 minutes on a hotplate should re-crisp. The butter and genuine hot dogs alsi came frozen.

I like FTs who make an effort, it's too easy to come to, scratch your arse, cough and splutter and go downstairs to the dumpling cafe for dumplings and flies. Foreigners that cook are the cream. My kitchen units have not arrived yet but I still made the effort to cook bacon and egg.

#6 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-14
Re Bought a few things

Chinese bread baguettes have a shelf life of about 3 hours, so they'll all be stale by breakfast time tomorrow. Butter and cheese ok, and also the bacon......but hot dogs? In China? Surely you mean tasteless rubbery plastic processed pig meat, shrouded in something resembling a thick pink condom? lol

Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-14
Bought a few things

Nipped to supermarket today for tasty loaves of bread,butter,bacon,hot dogs,baked beans,tomato sauce,parmesan cheese.

If Turnoi does visit San Miguel to drink tasty beer as invited he is also welcome to pop by mine for a bacon sandwich and delicious bread and butter.

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