Return to Index › HYPNOSIS for teaching English - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent james james - 2006-08-11
hypnosis in the classroom - Teachers Discussion

i always found most of the kids were hypnotized before they came to the class from 16 hours of video games...and if that didn't do it, i would wave large sums of money around and tell them they could have it too...that generally helped...and as a last resort, I would drone on for about 45 minutes until their eyes were glazed over and their brains were like putty in my hand, bending at my every whim in order to finish the torture of this particular class....
and lastly, check out this web site...

#2 Parent John - 2006-08-08
Hypnosis in Teaching Language - Teachers Discussion

I have no experience at all in the use of hypnosis in any way, shape or form and thus cannot comment directly.

However, there is a site where you might be able to delve deeper into the subject. There is not a lot on it but maybe you can liven it up a bit with your questions and/or experience. It's web address is:


Good Luck


teachaway - 2006-08-07
HYPNOSIS for teaching English - Teachers Discussion

Does anyone know of books or CDs about how to use light HYPNOTIC techniques in teaching English, to increase student concentration and participation? (Especially with, but not only with, Spanish speakers).

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