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#1 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-19

I can see that when evaluating Russian Borscht you first need to assess the local weed and dill.

I don't think I am the only FT in China who has students with excellent reading and writing skills, but awful listening and speaking
Yes, the great Chinese cabbage will most certainly fit the dish. :)
#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-18

Of course each category is independent. I don't think I am the only FT in China who has students with excellent reading and writing skills, but awful listening and speaking ability. IELTS isn't rocket-science, but arguably Chinese-English teachers are more proficient at teaching IELTS than NES are.
The main reason for this is because they themselves have learned English in a pragmatic way, whereas NES just essentially learn from the street. Often, a relatively fluent ESL has a better understanding of grammar than a NES.

#3 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-18

FTs that teach it market for Chinese institutions and their local teachers. Many board's posters are truly jokers. The proficiency test is hilariously boken into listening, reading, speaking and writing as if each category was independent, and then it allows the test takers to re-test themselves every month as if they'd quickly improve their fine proficiency for about 1,500 Yuan.

#4 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-18

You wouldn't be misbehaving on your spousal visa, would you?

#5 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-18

Younger men should be back home focusing on their career
instead of wasting their lives teaching in China.

........and their Ford Escort, their 2-up, 2-down, (with ample parking space), their stay-at-home wife and their 2.4 children....

#6 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-17

I agree; youngsters should remain at home learning to be real teachers. ESL in China is a dead end and should be left to us old farts in our dotage.

#7 Parent Mike Milken - 2016-07-17

Are you trying to be a smart arse? Younger men should be back home focusing on their career instead of wasting their lives teaching in China. ESL is a dead end, no doubt about it!

#8 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-17

The Teachers' Discussion Forum has become a nursing home day-room for destitute British. One
can hear the scraping of walkers and the incessant chattering of false teeth.

...........and of course, if one prefers not to listen the scraping of walkers and the chattering of false teeth, one is free to leave the nursing home day-room for destitute British.

#9 Parent amused - 2016-07-17

This board should be called "esl losers board".

The School Reviews still provides some valuable information for prospective teachers.
The Teachers' Discussion Forum has become a nursing home day-room for destitute British. One can hear the scraping of walkers and the incessant chattering of false teeth.
#10 Parent Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-16

Good post. Shame on ypunger men coming to Chins pinching work that should be reserved for over 50's.

#11 Parent Mike Milken - 2016-07-16

IELTS is just a pile of shit, anybody can teach it. Teaching in China is a total waste of time if you are poor and under 50. This board should be called "esl losers board".

Odd Bob Job - 2016-07-16

A few weeks ago I was more than honest with a training centre and told them straight that if a top level teacher was as high as the ceiling my level would be creeping up to skirting board height, since I have never been a teacher. So yesterday I wasn't happy when the school ordered me in today to I thought complain about my shortcomings. To my surprise I have been promoted into number 1 IELTS expert and my salary raided by 50 yuan to 200yuan per hour. I said to her ,very kind but I still don't know what IELTS is! She just sent me home with these 2 books. Seems to me that teaching in China is a doddle

Wife just phoned to ask if she can have a new AC for the lounge for 1500 yuan
I said certainly as I seem to be going up in the world.

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