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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-21
Re South China Sea

A bunch of 'Chinese teenagers' have been blockading a KFC store in the centre of town for the last 3 days. They are not allowing people to go inside. The 'crime' that KFC is committing is sending franchise fees to America. Public destruction of I-Phones and even an attack on a Japanese 'Miniso' store in some pathetic attempt to protest about other non-Chinese companies operating in China.

Of course, these muppets wouldn't even consider the fact that most, (if not all), I-Phones are actually made in China and what the ramifications would be if all foreign companies were exiled, as is their want.

All this because of the South China Sea issue.

Unfortunately there are muppets everywhere, not just in China.

From what you have seen, it would seem the police are turning a blind eye to the blockading.

#2 Parent paul fox - 2016-07-21
Re South China Sea

A bunch of 'Chinese teenagers' have been blockading a KFC store in the centre of town for the last 3 days. They are not allowing people to go inside. The 'crime' that KFC is committing is sending franchise fees to America. Public destruction of I-Phones and even an attack on a Japanese 'Miniso' store in some pathetic attempt to protest about other non-Chinese companies operating in China.

Of course, these muppets wouldn't even consider the fact that most, (if not all), I-Phones are actually made in China and what the ramifications would be if all foreign companies were exiled, as is their want.

All this because of the South China Sea issue.

#3 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-20
Re South China Sea

Let's all get wised up about the subject of this thread before we comment on the problem there. Informed opinion, thanks to experts, is well worth reading or listening to. A good listen, imho.


#4 Parent Sharp - 2016-07-19
Re South China Sea

The seas are so dangerous on the internet. Aren't the words "The South China Sea is historically Chinese" as frightening? Just imagine the old maps and then the very old maps.

Sharp - 2016-07-18
South China Sea

The Sea historically belongs to China, and so Hungarians should fear the worst as Genghis Khan may come back again.

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