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#1 Parent amused - 2016-07-23
Re training schools

FTs to not get sucked in by
Chinese women and your making us all aware of pink rooms

An adolescent hatred of women combined with an impotence-inducing fear of intimacy appears to be Silverboy's contribution to similarly infected FTs.

#2 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-07-23
Re training schools

That's not good, best you lie low for a while. Personally I think that you and others on the site will be remembered for your sterling work advising FTs to not get sucked in by Chinese women and your making us all aware of pink rooms as a cheaper alternative to marriage. Well done for all your help

Using pink rooms is ILLEGAL, for one thing. And another thing is that it won't be cheap if you're caught in a compromising position with a prostitute there. Another thing is that it is unethical for teachers to indulge in that kind of behavior.

Lumping all Chinese women together as unsuitable wife material for FTs is one thing. Lumping all private Chinese training centres/language mills together is another thing. I agree with the latter, not with the former!

Personally, I think that Silverboy will be mainly remembered for advising potential FTs to avoid working for any private Chinese training centre/language mill. Hence he has had threatening e-mails from irate Chinese directors of such shonky educational outfits.

#3 Parent PhD teacher - 2016-07-23
Re training schools

That's not good, best you lie low for a while. Personally I think that you and others on the site will be remembered for your sterling work advising FTs to not get sucked in by Chinese women and your making us all aware of pink rooms as a cheaper alternative to marriage. Well done for all your help

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